North Bay Nugget _CN ON_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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101 CN ON: Mayoral Candidates Clash Over VisionsThu, 26 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Hamilton-McCharles, Jennifer Area:Ontario Lines:92 Added:10/26/2006

West Nipissing Debate Draws 200 People

STURGEON FALLS - West Nipissing has come a long way, but is the municipality ready for a pot bar?

Judging by the response of the audience taking in a mayoral debate Wednesday night, marijuana isn't high among the priorities - well below employment and industry, taxes and concerns from the community's youth.

The highlight of the night was the stark contrast in opinions between the three candidates - most notably between incumbent Joanne Savage and marijuana advocate Michel Ethier.

[continues 480 words]

102 CN ON: LTE: Photo Of Pot Smoking At Court House UnethicalWed, 18 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Dube, Rachelle Area:Ontario Lines:34 Added:10/19/2006

I have serious concerns about the photo of the so-called Rev. Ethier on the front page Oct. 1 smoking a joint on his release from prison.

As far as I know marijuana is still an illegal drug.

If he would have been smoking a plain cigarette, which is legal, in a honoured space, would the photographer had taken this picture?

No, he would have been charged for violating the law.

All he wanted was publicly, as he knows very well, West Nipissing voters have too much brain to elect a person who doesn't care less about obeying the law.

I also have questions about the North Bay Nugget's ethics in publishing this picture on the front page.

Rachelle Dube



103 CN NS: Medicinal Pot Dispute Closes Legion BranchSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:30 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

But Rick Dwyer, 51, past president of the branch, isn't backing down.

[continues 66 words]

104 CN ON: Activist Pans Pot LawsWed, 04 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Calabrese, Maria Area:Ontario Lines:109 Added:10/04/2006

Mayoral Campaign Begins In West Nip.

Michel Ethier walked out of the North Bay courthouse, stood in the afternoon sun and celebrated his freedom in a style befitting a pot activist.

"This tastes good. I love it," he said, savouring a joint offered by a supporter after being released from custody Tuesday.

Ethier filed his papers from jail to challenge incumbent Joanne Savage and newcomer Claude Arcand for the mayor's job in West Nipissing during the Nov. 13 municipal election.

[continues 644 words]

105 CN ON: Editorial: Democracy Is InclusiveMon, 02 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:63 Added:10/02/2006

The Reverend (we assume) Michel Ethier must be given top marks for persistence. He wants to become His Worship the Mayor of West Nipissing, and none shall deny his right to try, try, and try again.

He is also minister in the pot-promoting Church of the Universe, so it must be assumed he is entitled to some reverence.

Judging by past performances, at least 90 per cent of voters in this interesting and diverse municipality will vote against him.

If controversy and discussion is at the heart of democracy, Ethier may have served democracy very well. Claude Arcand has thrown his hat in the ring at the last minute, competing with Mayor Joanne Savage and Ethier for the top job.

[continues 272 words]

106 CN ON: Chong Talks Politics, Pot, PrisonSun, 01 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Goodman, Lee-Anne Area:Ontario Lines:82 Added:10/01/2006

TORONTO - Tommy Chong, one half of the legendary comedy duo Cheech and Chong, exudes as much serenity sipping on a cup of coffee in a downtown hotel as one might expect from a lifelong pothead.

But three years ago, the Canadian-born Chong had good reason to freak out - agents for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency burst into his California home and busted him for selling bongs online, the first time an obscure law dealing with such offences had ever been enforced.

[continues 530 words]

107 CN ON: West Nip Faces $50,000 Up In SmokeFri, 29 Sep 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Young, Gord Area:Ontario Lines:73 Added:09/29/2006

Pot Advocate Won't Drop Out Of Mayor's Race

A pot advocate campaigning for a third time to become mayor of West Nipissing defended his democratic right this week to run for political office.

Michel Ethier said Wednesday he has no plans to withdraw from the mayor's race even if he is the only candidate challenging incumbent Joanne Savage.

"I have no intention of throwing in the towel," said Ethier. "If she wants to pull out . . . that's fine with me."

[continues 411 words]

108 CN ON: Column: Buying Opium Might End Taliban FightTue, 19 Sep 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Dyer, Gwynne Area:Ontario Lines:124 Added:09/20/2006

Most people in Afghanistan are farmers. If Hamid Karzai's Western-backed government in Kabul is to survive, it must have their support. So not destroying their main cash crop should be an obvious priority for Karzai's foreign supporters. But what the hell, let's go burn some poppies.

"We need to realize that we could actually fail here," said Lt.-Gen. David Richards, British commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan, last week.

In south-western Afghanistan, where 7,000 British, Canadian and Dutch troops were committed during the summer to contain a resurgent Taliban, the guerillas now actually stand and fight, even against Nato's overwhelming firepower and air power, and everything that moves on the roads gets ambushed.

[continues 797 words]

109 CN ON: Editorial: Rota, Chirico Blowing SmokeWed, 07 Dec 2005
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:66 Added:12/10/2005

Nipissing-Timiskaming Conservative candidate Peter Chirico and Liberal incumbent Anthony Rota are not well informed about the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana. The fact both oppose proposed federal legislation to fine those caught with 15 grams or less of the drug, instead of turning them into criminals, indicates neither is well read on the subject.

The federal government's proposal was to "decriminalize" marijuana, not advocate or promote its use, or make it legal.

The plan was to stop making criminals out of occasional users, wasting money in the court and police systems, thereby freeing up resources to deal with more serious drug problems such as crack cocaine and designer drugs like ecstacy and crystal meth.

[continues 271 words]

110 CN ON: Public Misinformed About Marijuana, Advocates SayMon, 29 Aug 2005
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Hamilton, Jennifer Area:Ontario Lines:69 Added:08/30/2005

FIELD -- Marijuana users and members of the Church of the Universe gathered Saturday to support Rev. Michel Ethier and his effort to decriminalize pot, at an undisclosed location near Field.

Ethier and his beliefs have been a subject of controversy for years. Many within his community are trying to get him to leave, he says.

The Field resident has been charged several times over the last two years. Two of those charges have resulted in acquittals. He was found guilty of possession for the purpose of trafficking and breach of bail, but that sentence is being appealed.

[continues 308 words]

111 CN ON: Nipissing To Get Funding For Substance Abuse ProgramsFri, 25 Feb 2005
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:55 Added:02/26/2005

Three Nipissing facilities will share $62,232 in additional funding to help treat people suffering with substance abuse, MPP Monique Smith announced Friday.

North Bay General Hospital will get $43,829, while the Half-Way House will receive $10,550.

The Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing receives $7,853.

"Substance addiction is a very serious disease that requires specialized treatment," said Smith.

"We're investing in Ontario's substance abuse treatment programs because we recognize the importance of making treatment available to those who need help. "

[continues 181 words]

112 CN ON: Charges Against Pot Priest In JeopardyFri, 20 Aug 2004
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Calabrese, Maria Area:Ontario Lines:90 Added:08/22/2004

STURGEON FALLS -- A drug case here took a strange twist Thursday when a judge interrupted the proceedings to advise an outspoken marijuana advocate that police may have conducted an illegal investigation.

"That's your whole case right there," Ontario Court Justice Roderick Flaherty told Michel Ethier, 47.

Ethier, a self-proclaimed "priest of pot," defended himself at the trial on a charge of possessing marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.

After hearing some of the testimony from an Ontario Provincial Police officer, Justice Flaherty recommended that Ethier consider filing a motion to argue that his rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms may have been violated because of the possibility of an illegal search of his van that led to the arrest in April.

[continues 410 words]

113 CN ON: Decriminalize Pot, Survey Majority SaysSat, 22 May 2004
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:31 Added:05/23/2004

Local News - A majority of respondents to the latest Nugget news survey believe Ottawa should decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.

A total of 1,628 votes were cast in response to the question: With an election looming, do you support the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana.

Of those who voted at, 925, or 56.8 per cent, said yes and 703, or 43.2 per cent, said no.

The vote is not scientific but is seen as a way for Nugget readers to participate in the daily news.

The subject of marijuana possession has been debated in several countries and is expected to be debated during the upcoming federal election.


114 CN ON: Editorial: Pot 'Bad' LuckWed, 24 Dec 2003
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:30 Added:12/24/2003

The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld Canada's marijuana laws. In a ruling Tuesday, the court stated the government is within its rights to make possessing small amounts of marijuana illegal.

It was the lump of coal many marijuana advocates were afraid of receiving this year from the country's highest court.

Many were hoping for literally a 'green' Christmas, but that didn't happen.

The ruling is generally insignificant since the federal government can decriminalize marijuana if it chooses, something insiders hint Prime Minister Paul Martin will do in the new year.

Marijuana is a harmful substance, but it should not result in a criminal record, no more than drinking alcohol, or smoking a cigarette.

The Canadian government will make the right decision.


115 CN ON: Berrigan Pleased Pot Law ReinstatedThu, 09 Oct 2003
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Hamilton-McCharles, Jennifer Area:Ontario Lines:62 Added:10/13/2003

Local News - North Bay police will resume laying charges for possession of even small amounts of marijuana, following a court ruling Tuesday.

The Court of Appeal for Ontario sealed a legal loophole opened in January that had rendered Canada's marijuana-possession laws virtually unenforceable.

For the past few months, police across Canada have not been charging people for possessing small amounts of marijuana because the law didn't exist.

"On a personal level I'm really happy that the law was reinstated, especially when it comes to addressing impaired driving," said North Bay Police Chief George Berrigan.

[continues 227 words]

116 CN ON: Editorial: Senate Goes the Extra MileFri, 06 Sep 2002
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Ontario Lines:73 Added:09/07/2002

EDITORIAL - A Senate committee appointed by the government to study Canada's marijuana laws shocked many in the nation this week by recommending sweeping changes to the country's drug laws.

The committee, headed by Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, recommended legalizing pot smoking for any resident older than 16 - a move that goes beyond what many were expecting - simple decriminalization.

The report was enthusiastically endorsed by marijuana activists and severely criticized by organizations such as the Canadian Police Association. The report certainly opens an avenue for vigorous debate in the country, especially in the halls of government. It states the current system of prohibition doesn't work and should be replaced by a regulated one similar to alcohol distribution.

[continues 344 words]

117 CN ON: Local Taxi Industry StungFri, 10 May 2002
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON) Author:Novak, Phil Area:Ontario Lines:104 Added:05/13/2002

Two North Bay cab drivers are among three people charged with drug-related offences after a North Bay police officer purchased marijuana while taking taxi trips, deputy police chief Paul Cook said Thursday.

Const. Christi Lafrance went undercover during a two-week sting operation called Project Fareplay and took 28 trips in cabs owned by U-Need-A-Cab, Union Taxi and 5-0 Cab.

Twenty-six of the trips will result in charges, Cook said.

"To date, 17 drivers will be charged with a total of 55 offences under the North Bay Taxi Bylaw, and some will be charged for five offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act," Cook said.

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