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1 US: Web: Marijuana Medicine's Near-Miraculous Healing Powers RequireSun, 23 Mar 2014
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Lee, Martin A. Area:United States Lines:176 Added:03/25/2014

Marijuana Medicine's Near-Miraculous Healing Powers Require the Whole Plant-Not Just One Oil Extract

CBD-only laws are a pretext to extend marijuana prohibition under the guise of 'protecting the children.'

A version of this article was originally published on the Pediatric Cannabis Therapy website.

Ever since marijuana was banned by the federal government in the 1930s, proponents of prohibition have insisted that cannabis must remain illegal to protect America's children. "Protecting the children" continues to be the calculated cornerstone of anti-marijuana propaganda, the cynical centerpiece of the war on drugs.

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2 US: Web: Is Marijuana An 'Exit Drug'?Wed, 26 Dec 2012
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:76 Added:12/29/2012

Study Suggests Some Are Taking It as a Substitute for Prescription Drugs and Alcohol

Three quarters of medical cannabis consumers report using it as a substitute for prescription drugs, alcohol, or some other illicit substance, according to survey data [2] published in the journal Addiction Research and Theory.

An international team of investigators from Canada and the United States assessed the subjective impact of marijuana on the use of licit and illicit substances via self-report in a cohort of 404 medical cannabis patients recruited from four dispensaries in British Columbia, Canada.

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3 US: The Growing Divide In How America's Law EnforcementFri, 12 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Bradley, Nate Area:United States Lines:104 Added:08/12/2011

The lives of medical marijuana patients in Oakland County, MI and Oakland, CA are as different as night and day.

For Oakland residents who want marijuana policies that protect public safety and secure access for medical marijuana patients, it is the best of times and the worst of times. It just depends on which Oakland you live in.

The lives of medical marijuana patients in Oakland County, Michigan and Oakland, California are as different as night and day. While medical marijuana patients in Oakland, CA are protected and treated like law-abiding citizens, medical marijuana patients in Oakland County, MI aren't so fortunate. Since 2008, when medical marijuana was legalized in Michigan, dozens of legitimate patients have been raided and prosecuted like common criminals.

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4 US: New Poll: Most Americans Consider War On Drugs A FailureFri, 12 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Gwynne, Kristen Area:United States Lines:35 Added:08/12/2011

A recent Angus Reid Public Opinion poll found that, of a sample of 1,0003 American adults, 55 percent of respondents support the legalization of marijuana, though the majority do not support the legalization of other drugs, like cocaine or heroin.

However, in a move towards removing the stigma of drug users and addicts, 64 percent of respondents believe our country has a serious drug problem that affects the United States, and only 20 percent consider drugs a problem that effect only certain people or areas. Suggestive of a widespread belief in an un-treated problem, only 5 percent of respondents said America does not have a drug problem, and 67 percent of respondents call the war on drugs a failure. On an ironically positive note, only 9 percent of respondents consider the war on drugs a success. Is this a step in the right direction? According to Angus Reid,

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5 US: Is Marijuana Addictive?Fri, 12 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Wishnia, Steven Area:United States Lines:324 Added:08/12/2011

There's a lot of science on the books on the question of marijuana's addictive properties, but is the issue too politicized to get any clear answers?

Is marijuana addictive?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) says it is. According to its "Marijuana Abuse" research report, "Long-term marijuana use can lead to addiction; that is, people have difficulty controlling their drug use and cannot stop even though it interferes with many aspects of their lives."

The Office of National Drug Control Policy's Web site is blunter. "Marijuana is addictive, with more teens in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined," it declares.

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6 US: OPED: Why We Need Honest Sex -- And Drug -- Education InThu, 11 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Newman, Tony Area:United States Lines:114 Added:08/11/2011

Nyc's Mayor Bloomberg Has Made Sex Education Mandatory, but We Need the Same Thing for Drugs -- Let's Stop Pretending That Teenagers Won't Take Them

The Bloomberg Administration announced on July 9 that New York City students will be required to receive sex education in public middle and high schools.

These sex education classes will teach about condom use and the appropriate age for sexual activity.

I applaud the Mayor's campaign to teach sex education in school.

While many parents may hope that their teenagers won't be sexually active, the reality is that most teenagers will have sex and it is important that they are educated about the risks of pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases like HIV.

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7 US IL: Winds of Change: Is Chicago About To Stop JailingTue, 02 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Smith, Phillip S. Area:Illinois Lines:70 Added:08/07/2011

Facing a Huge Budget Shortfall, Chicago May Switch to Issuing Fines for Marijuana.

Last year, police in Chicago arrested more than 23,000 people for simple marijuana possession, 78% of them black. But those charges are routinely dropped by judges, and the head of the Cook County Board, who is facing a serious budget gap, wants the police to knock it off.

Facing a $315 million shortfall, Board President Toni Preckwinkle announced a 5% spending cut and threatened layoffs if necessary. Preckwinkle last week discussed the idea of merely ticketing pot smokers with Chicago Police Superintendant Garry McCarthy, and while no decision has yet been taken, the notion is percolating through the police bureaucracy.

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8 US: Understanding Obama's 'War On Drugs'Tue, 02 Aug 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Franklin, Neill Area:United States Lines:169 Added:08/03/2011

If the Obama administration really wants to go down in history as the first to take drug policy in a significantly new direction, it's going to have to actually do something.

Last month I was interviewed on as part of the network's coverage of the 40th anniversary of President Richard Nixon declaring the "war on drugs." It was just one of thousands of articles, broadcasts and blog posts featuring the voices of police officers, politicians and scholars marking an anniversary that offers little to celebrate. Many commentators across the political spectrum eagerly welcomed the opportunity to seriously examine the failures of our drug policies, evaluate possible reforms and opine on what it all might mean.

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9 Mexico: To Die in Mexico: Dispatches From A Deadly Drug WarFri, 22 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Smith, Phillip S. Area:Mexico Lines:113 Added:07/23/2011

Author John Gibler's New Book Surveys Surveys the Unending Flow of Drugs North and Guns and Cash South and the Tens of Thousands of Murders They Cause.

In Mexico, journalist John Gibler points out, there is the War on Drugs and then there is the drug war. The War on Drugs is the spectacle -- the well-publicized deployment of troops, the high-level diplomatic meetings, the perp walks of captured capos before the media, all designed to show that the Mexican government is dead serious about confronting the "menace to society" that Mexican drug trafficking organizations, the mislabeled "cartels," represent.

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10 US: OPED: The Truth About America's Oxy EpidemicFri, 22 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Szalavitz, Maia Area:United States Lines:206 Added:07/22/2011

As the White House Prepares to Launch a Billion-Dollar Anti-Oxy War, Here Are Some Crucial Facts About WHO Gets Addicted-and Why.

Egged on by the nation's media, The Obama administration seems keen to start a full-fledged national panic over prescription painkillers. In April, the nation's drug czar, flanked by the heads of the DEA and FDA, announced a major new law-enforcement initiative at a much-discussed press conference where he designated the widespread use of prescription painkillers like OxyContin an "epidemic" and a "crisis" comparable to crack in the '80s and heroin in the '70s.

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11 US: Why Marijuana Legalization Isn't A Taboo Idea AnymoreFri, 22 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Morgan, Scott Area:United States Lines:66 Added:07/22/2011

The Idea That the Public Supports Harsh Drug Laws and Will Punish Politicians WHO Deviate From It Is Starting to Fade.

One of the most deeply imbedded ideas in our political culture is the notion that the public supports harsh drug laws and will punish politicians who deviate from the tough-on-drugs script. Unfortunately, that's precisely why a lot of good ideas never make it out of the conference room. It goes something like this:

INDIANAPOLIS -- When state Sen. Karen Tallian first floated the idea of introducing a bill to look at legalizing marijuana, her Statehouse colleagues warned the Portage Democrat that it could kill her chances for re-election. [Herald Bulletin]

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12 US: The Real Numbers On Who's Taking Medical MarijuanaFri, 22 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Gieringer, Dale Area:United States Lines:72 Added:07/22/2011

New Study Reveals the Population Charicteristics From Nine Assessment Clinics in California.

An interesting new study of the California medical cannabis user population by Prof. Craig Reinarman et al. appears in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 43(2) Apr-Jun, 2011: "Who Are Medical Marijuana Patients? Population Characteristics from Nine California Assessment Clinics".

Noteworthy findings:

Medical cannabis use is higher than average among Blacks and Native Americans, lower among Latinos and Asians.

73% of patients are male.

Use is heaviest in the 25-44 year age group.

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13 US FL: Miami Beach Likely To Vote On MarijuanaSat, 16 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Smith, Philip S. Area:Florida Lines:53 Added:07/16/2011

Voters in Miami Beach could make it the first city in Florida to decriminalize marijuana possession after campaigners announced Tuesday they had turned in more than double the number of voter signatures needed for their initiative to make the ballot. They needed 4,300 signatures and turned in more than 9,000.

The initiative is sponsored by the Campaign for Sensible Marijuana Policies in Florida. Under the initiative, people caught in possession of up to 20 grams of pot would face no more than a $100 fine. Under Florida state law, possession of up to 20 grams is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

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14 US: OPED: Portugal Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary OfWed, 06 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Newman, Tony Area:United States Lines:77 Added:07/06/2011

Our 40 year war on drugs is proof of failure. Portugal is an example of an alternative. It is time for an exit strategy from our longest, costliest war!

Everyone knows that the war on drugs is a failure. Despite more than $40 billion spent every year on the U.S. drug war and 500,000 people behind bars on drug related offenses, drugs are as available as ever. But what is the alternative? What would happen if a society decided to treat drug use as a health issue instead of a criminal justice issue? What if we stopped the futile effort of using force to decrease drug consumption? What if we decriminalized drugs, not just marijuana, but all drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth?

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15 US: OPED: How Marijuana Legalizers Can Win Over SocialWed, 06 Jul 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Bradley, Nate Area:United States Lines:105 Added:07/06/2011

By Keeping Marijuana Illegal We Are Actually Giving Our Children Easier Access To It.

Last year I had the honor of being one of the many former police officers who served as a spokesperson for the Yes on 19 marijuana legalization campaign in California. During that effort I learned a lot about politics, and one of the biggest lessons was that many of the proponents of marijuana legalization need to learn how to talk more effectively with social conservatives.

I am not just talking about Republicans. Many of the older Democratic Latinos and African Americans that voted against Prop. 19 would be considered "social conservatives." Remember, this is the same group of voters that helped pass Prop. 8, the initiative that banned same-sex marriage in California in 2008.

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16 US: 4 Hopeful Signs In The Fight Against Disastrous Drug WarFri, 24 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Seltzer, Sarah Area:United States Lines:136 Added:06/24/2011

Although This New Bill Is Largely Symbolic, the Fact That It's Being Introduced, and Other Small Victories of Late, Bode Well for a Change in Tone on This Discussion.

It's been forty years since President Nixon declared a "war on drugs." And we're not winning.

In local communities, Black and Latino men are being singled out unfairly and fed into the prison system for minor drug offenses; in Mexico, an unspeakably brutal drug war continues with no signs of cessation; sick people continue to be denied legal access to medical marijuana that could ease their pain.

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17 US: Fired For Using Legally Prescribed Pot? PharmaceuticalTue, 21 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:112 Added:06/24/2011

How Can an Employer Terminate an Employee for Off-The-Job Marijuana Use, Even If the Employee Is Authorized Under State Law to Use Cannabis Medicinally?

"Separate but equal" was a legal doctrine once widely used by the courts to justify segregation. And while the courts have largely turned away this doctrine over the past 60 years, several state supreme courts in recent years have begun applying this principle to arbitrarily discriminate against state-authorized medical cannabis patients in the workplace.

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18 US: Why Ending The War On Drugs Is A Social Justice ImperativeFri, 24 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Cadore, Yolande Area:United States Lines:92 Added:06/24/2011

We Need to Call Out the War on Drugs for What It Really Is -- a War on Families and Communities.

"America's public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy, it is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive." These were the words of President Richard Nixon on June 17th, 1971.

For those of us on the front lines, organizing in America's toughest neighborhoods, the idea is naive at best. At worst, it's a deliberate and subtly racist misrepresentation. We are fully aware of the myriad social ills plaguing communities all across this country, and the misuse of drugs simply is not the primary concern.

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19 US: How The Patriot Act Is Being Used To Fight The Drug WarTue, 21 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Kaldveer, Zack Area:United States Lines:375 Added:06/21/2011

The Constitutional "Precedent" Set by the Patriot Act Appears to Be Serving to Accelerate the Rapid Disintegration of Civil Liberties in This Country

With the stroke of an autopen, the once articulate critic of the Patriot Act signed a four year extension of the most dangerous assault on American civil liberties in US history without a single additional privacy protection.

One would think that this reauthorization would have incited vigorous debate in the halls of Congress and at least a fraction of the breathless 24/7 media coverage allotted the Anthony Weiner "sexting" scandal. Instead, three weeks ago the House (250 to 153) and Senate (72 to 23) approved, and the President signed, an extension of this landmark attack on the Bill of Rights with little notice and even less debate.

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20 US: 40 Years Of Drug War Hasn't Worked 'Time For A Change,'Fri, 17 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Sterling, Eric Area:United States Lines:280 Added:06/17/2011

The Public Understands How Disastrous It's Been -- Now It's Time for the Politicians and Law Enforcement to Change Course.

The "War on Drugs" was launched by President Richard Nixon 40 years ago this week. In 1980, at the end of its first decade, I began a nine-year career as a "captain" in the war on drugs. I was the attorney in the U.S. House of Representatives principally responsible for overseeing DEA and writing anti-drug laws as counsel to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime.

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21 US: An Exit Strategy From America's Longest War - 40 Years OfWed, 15 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:McDonald, Tommy Area:United States Lines:85 Added:06/15/2011

When Will We Abandon What Is Arguably The Most Disastrous Public Policy In American History Since Chattel Slavery And The Jim Crow Legacy?

Forty years ago this week, President Richard Nixon declared illicit drugs "public enemy #1." The ensuing war on drugs has been fought in fits and starts by every ensuing administration and is arguably the most disastrous public policy in American history since chattel slavery and its Jim Crow progeny.

This ignominious anniversary provides an opportunity to reflect, to ask ourselves and our leaders some very hard questions, and to demand a new direction in U.S. drug policy once and for all.

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22 US: Former Cop and Drug Warrior: Why I Turned Against The DrugSun, 12 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Stamper, Norm Area:United States Lines:85 Added:06/14/2011

For More Than Three Decades, I Watched the Drug War Destroy Values That, As a Cop, I Swore to Uphold.

It's not hard to explain why I morphed from drug warrior to drug policy reformer. I observed unnecessary suffering, justice gone wrong, and widespread corruption within policing. I witnessed the physical deterioration of whole neighborhoods--streets, homes, and schools made less safe.

And I saw myself and fellow police officers cast as the "bad guys" in the enforcement of drug laws.

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23 Mexico: Vision: A Peaceful End To The Drug WarWed, 08 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Leisher, Rebecca Area:Mexico Lines:314 Added:06/08/2011

The International War on Drugs Isn't Stopping Drug Use or Trafficking - -- but It Is Ruining Lives. Drug Policy Expert Sanho Tree Discusses What We Can Do Differently.

Earlier this month tens of thousands of people marched in Mexico City to protest a war that has left more than 35,000 people dead in the last four and a half years. When elected president of Mexico in 2006, Felipe Calderon vowed to crack down on drug trafficking in his country. With the support of U.S. policies like the Merida Initiative [pdf], he executed a military crackdown that has only increased drug-related violence.

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24 US: The War On Drugs Has Failed -- The World Agrees On ItTue, 07 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Small, Deborah Area:United States Lines:243 Added:06/08/2011

It's Time to Begin the Debate About Whether to Repeal Drug Prohibition and Replace It With a Real System of Drug Regulation and Control

Last week, the Global Commission on Drug Policy issued a report stating publicly what many people privately believe: THE WAR ON DRUGS HAS FAILED.

The high-level commission which includes three former heads of state - from Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, former U.N. secretary-general Kofi-Annan, former Reagan cabinet official George P. Schultz, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volker and Virgin mogul Richard Branson calls on governments to end the criminalization of cannabis and other currently illicit substances. In a clear and forthright statement the report says:

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25 US: Web: Major International Leaders Plead for the US and theSat, 04 Jun 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:O'Toole, Molly Area:United States Lines:234 Added:06/04/2011

The Waldorf Astoria may be worlds away from the blood-spotted streets of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, where the "drug war" has taken over 35,000 lives; the fiefdom-like favelas of Rio, Brazil, where even the police don't go; or Pakistan, one of the lowest-ranking on human development in the world, and neighbor to its largest opium producer. But members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy came to the famed New York hotel Friday to bring together leading thinkers and call for an end to the global "war on drugs," whose failed policies have claimed thousands of victims around the world over the last five decades.

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26 US NY: Web: Bi-Partisan Legislation Could Put and End to NewFri, 13 May 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Sayegh, Gabriel Area:New York Lines:127 Added:05/14/2011

Pot Arrests Are Highly Expensive for the Taxpayer, Associated Racial Disparities Are Ghastly, and Just to Ice the Cake, Most of These Arrests Are the Result of Illegal Searches

Over the last fifteen years in New York, arrests for possession of small amounts of marijuana have exploded.

These arrests are extremely expensive for the taxpayer, the associated racial disparities are ghastly, and just to ice the cake, most of these arrests are the result of illegal searches.

Now, in a rare show of New York bi-partisanship, legislators in Albany are finally seeking to address the issue.

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27 US: Web: The 5 Worst States To Get Busted With PotFri, 13 May 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:149 Added:05/14/2011

Even a minor pot bust can be life-altering for people unlucky enough to be arrested in one of these five states.

Police prosecute over 800,000 Americans annually for violating state marijuana laws. The penalties for those busted and convicted vary greatly, ranging from the imposition of small fines to license revocation to potential incarceration. But for the citizens arrested in these five states, the ramifications of even a minor pot bust are likely to be exceptionally severe.

1. Oklahoma. Lawmakers in the Sooner State made headlines this spring when legislators voted 119 to 20 in favor of House Bill 1798, which enhances the state sentencing guidelines for hash manufacturing to a minimum of two years in jail and a maximum penalty of life in prison. (Mary Fallin, the state's first-ever female governor, signed the measure into law in April; it takes effect on November 1, 2011.) But longtime Oklahoma observers were hardly surprised at lawmakers' latest "life for pot" plan. After all, state law already allows judges to hand out life sentences for those convicted of cannabis cultivation or for the sale of a single dime-bag.

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28 US: Web: U.S. Organizations Support Mexican Mobilizations Against the Drug WarFri, 06 May 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Robelo, Daniel Area:United States Lines:77 Added:05/08/2011

Hundreds of Mexicans began a three day march yesterday to protest the death and violence of the failed drug war.

The national protest movement was formed last month after the murders of several innocent young people, including the son of Mexican poet and journalist Javier Sicilia. Mr. Sicilia joined family members of other drug war victims yesterday in leading a silent protest march from Cuernavaca to Mexico City. The march will culminate in a convergence on the capital's Zocalo (main square) on Sunday, May 8 - when protests are also planned in dozens of other Mexican cities and in New York, California, Maryland, Texas, Virginia and several other U.S. states.

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29 US: Web: What's Up With Obama's Cynical Approach To MedicalFri, 06 May 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Wishnia, Steven Area:United States Lines:319 Added:05/06/2011

In October 2009, the Justice Department declared that prosecuting medical-marijuana users and caregivers who clearly comply with state laws was not a wise use of its resources. That declaration has dominated public perception of President Barack Obama's policy on the issue-minimal progress, but is a welcome improvement on his predecessors.

In reality, however, the Obama administration has attacked medical-marijuana providers on several fronts. Since January 2010, it has staged more than 90 raids on dispensaries and growers, according to figures collected by the patient-advocacy group Americans for Safe Access. That represents a pace double the Bush administration's, says ASA spokesperson Kris Hermes. The administration has also threatened state officials with prosecution if they participate in licensing or regulating medical marijuana. The Internal Revenue Service has expanded auditing dispensaries for tax evasion, on the grounds that drug-trafficking enterprises cannot legally claim business-expense deductions.

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30 US: Web: Children Are Harmed, Not Helped, by Unwinnable Drug WarFri, 29 Apr 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Robelo, Daniel Area:United States Lines:93 Added:04/30/2011

After forty years and a trillion dollars, supporters of the drug war still claim that any discussion of legalization sends the "wrong message" to children.

The truth, as seen in news from Mexico ever day, is that the drug war itself is killing children. And the message we send by not discussing alternatives is one of cruel indifference.

According to reports by The Washington Post and Associated Press, at least 1,000 boys and girls have been murdered since Mexican President Felipe Calderon took office and unleashed the army against drug traffickers - with the ready support of the United States. Tens of thousands more have been orphaned; so many in Chihuahua that the state government has set up a special fund to care for them.

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31 US: Web: 4/20: Time to Have Fun - and to End MarijuanaWed, 20 Apr 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Newman, Tony Area:United States Lines:90 Added:04/21/2011

We Need YOU to Help End Marijuana Prohibition.

April 20th is a special day for millions of people around the world, the unofficial "holiday" for marijuana smokers.

Many people mark April 20th, especially at 4:20 pm, with a toke. Some people will mark the day and the occasion with close friends. Others, in cities like Santa Cruz or Boulder, will be part of gatherings of thousands of people to celebrate the occasion. Both the intimate and mass gatherings are fun. It is special to be with a small group smoking a joint: the laughing, discussing, playing and chilling. It is also exhilarating being with thousands of others, all smoking, usually at a beautiful outdoor spot, often with some music.

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32 US: Web: Man Could Face Life in Prison for 3 Grams of MarijuanaTue, 05 Apr 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Belville, Russ Area:United States Lines:133 Added:04/06/2011

In Montana, Passing Someone a Bowl of Your Medical Marijuana Could Put You in Prison for Life.

In a Missoula County courtroom... an eight-woman, four-man jury found Matthew Otto, 27, guilty of a single charge of criminal distribution of dangerous drugs - in this case, 3 grams (well under an ounce) of marijuana. Otto faces a maximum penalty of life in prison and a $50,000 fine.

Well under an ounce? How about close to a tenth of an ounce? Regardless, Montana law defines sales or distribution (giving) any amount of marijuana as a felony and allows for a one year to life prison sentence and $50,000 fine. Otto is lucky he wasn't within 1,000 feet of a school or an additional three years minimum would be added.

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33 US: Web: In Drug Courts, Judges Practice Their Own Version ofWed, 30 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Dooley-Sammuli, Margaret Area:United States Lines:81 Added:03/30/2011

Drug Courts Must Be Standardized, They Must Be Held Accountable and They Must Not Be Our Primary Policy Approach to Drug Use and Addiction.

In Glynn County Georgia, reports the popular radio show This American Life this week, Lindsey Dills is the victim of horrifying injustice in the name of drug treatment. For forging two checks on her parents' checking account when she was 17, one for $40 and one for $60, Ms. Dills ended up in that county's drug court for five and a half years, including a total of 14 months behind bars and then, when she was finally kicked out of drug court, she faced another five-year sentence for the original offense, including six months in state prison. In other Georgia counties and in other states, the penalty for this first-time, low-level offense would have been a term of probation and/or drug treatment.

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34 US: Web: Children, Budgets Suffer From Drug Testing the PoorFri, 25 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Smith, Grant Area:United States Lines:84 Added:03/26/2011

Legislation is pending in California, New York, Illinois, New Mexico and at least ten other state legislatures and the United States Congress that would deny help with food and housing or unemployment to any recipients who fail a drug test.

Proponents argue that denying basic needs to families with children is okay since the drug test will encourage those who fail to seek drug treatment. But nothing could be further from the truth.

An individual who is facing homelessness and hunger will not be in a better place to address drug dependence. Furthermore, none of these legislative proposals increase drug treatment capacity.

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35 US: Web: Feds Push Banks to Spy on Legal Marijuana DealersMon, 21 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Walker, Clarence Area:United States Lines:191 Added:03/21/2011

Federal regulators ignited a firestorm of controversy recently when they ordered banks located in the North Coast area of California to spy on transactions of customers who are suspected of making money in the marijuana business. In a bid to crack down on California's marijuana industry, regulators have ordered banks to look out for suspicious activity by those running such operations, but that is leaving legal -- under state, but not federal law -- medical marijuana businesses out in the cold.

Although DEA and FBI officials are not specifically targeting medical marijuana, they say they are looking for drug traffickers and money launderers, and they regard any marijuana-related banking activities with suspicion. The banks are not being ordered to not do business with dispensaries, but are instead closing accounts rather than put up with the hassles of investigating and reporting those transactions.

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36 US NY: Web: New York City Wasting $75 Million a Year onTue, 15 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Levine, Ujesse Area:New York Lines:84 Added:03/20/2011

A New Study Reveals That Since 1996 New York City Has Spent From Half a Billion to Over a Billion Dollars Arresting People for Less Than an Ounce of Marijuana.

In 2010 New York City spent $75 million arresting people for possessing small amounts of marijuana.

Three members of the New York City Council joined advocates and community members on the steps of City Hall today at a press conference organized by the Drug Policy Alliance and the Institute for Juvenile Justice Reform and Alternatives. They announced the release of a new report: "$75 Million A Year - The Cost of New York City's Marijuana Arrests."

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37 US: Web: New DirectionsFri, 18 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Papa, Anthony Area:United States Lines:116 Added:03/20/2011

Religious and Community Leaders Address the Failed Drug War

Conference Gathers This March to Chart a New Course in Drug Policy That Could Serve As a Model for the Nation.

On Saturday, March 19th, an unprecedented collection of community advocates, service providers, public safety personnel and public health professionals will come together at a day-long conference to chart a new course in drug policy that could serve as a model for the nation. The New Directions conference will examine the decades-old ramifications of President Nixon's declaration of the "war on drugs" in urban communities like Newark and African American communities in particular.

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38 US NY: Web: The Passing of a Drug Reform HeroFri, 11 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Papa, Tony Area:New York Lines:94 Added:03/15/2011

Marks Devoted His Life to Change NY's Draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws and Helped Secure Clemency for Prisoners Rotting Away in Prison for Their Roles in Minor Drug Crimes.

There are heroes and then there are heroes.

My good friend Judge Jerry Marks, a former New York Supreme Court Justice, was a hero's hero. On March 9, he died at age 95. Judge Marks had a long and distinguished career as a New York elected official and jurist.

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39 US: Web: ACLU Calls on DEA to Allow Sale of Medical MarijuanaFri, 11 Mar 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Webster, Stephen C. Area:United States Lines:97 Added:03/15/2011

The ACLU Has Released a Brief Calling on the DEA to Grant Research Permits for the Production of Medical Cannabis.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) does not commonly take an active role in matters pertaining to the drug war, but in the case of Dr. Lyle E. Craker, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, outspoken is certainly one way to describe their position.

Craker's name might sound familiar to keen observers of the drug war. After a decade of waging a hard-fought battle with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), which repeatedly denied his application for the production of medical marijuana, he recently said he would call it quits, resigning his fight in bitter defeat.

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40 US: Web: If The Feds Get Their Way, Big Pharma Could Sell PotWed, 23 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:171 Added:02/24/2011

But Your Dime Bag Would Still Send You to Jail

We Should Be Very Wary About the DEA Allowing Regulation and Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products Containing Plant-Derived THC.

"[M]arijuana has no scientifically proven medical value." So stated the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) on page six of a July 2010 agency white paper, titled "DEA Position on Marijuana."

Yet only four months after the agency committed its "no medical pot" stance to print, it announced its intent to allow for the regulation and marketing of pharmaceutical products containing plant-derived THC - -- the primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.

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41 US: Web: Change We Can Believe In? Not for Medical MarijuanaFri, 18 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:95 Added:02/19/2011

So Much for the American Medical Association's Demand for Clinical Cannabis Research.

It was nearly two years ago that the Obama White House issued its "Scientific Integrity" memorandum stating, "Science and the scientific process must inform and guide decisions of my Administration."

Those of us involved in marijuana law reform welcomed the memo -- which came just months after the American Medical Association called for "facilitating ... clinical research and [the] development of cannabinoid-based medicines" -- and we hoped that it would stimulate the commencement of long-overdue human studies into the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis.

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42 US CA: Web: California Is Broke -- You Still Have the Right to Avoid PrisonFri, 18 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Dooley-Sammuli, Margaret Area:California Lines:89 Added:02/19/2011

Santa Cruz Just Became the Latest County to Announce It Would "End" Treatment-Instead-Of-Incarceration Program for Low-Level Drug Offenses Because of a Lack of Funding.

Santa Cruz just became the latest county to announce it would "end" CA's Proposition 36 treatment-instead-of-incarceration program for low-level drug offenses because of a lack of funding. This terminology is confusing and misleading even for those who should know better.

Proposition 36, the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, was approved by 61% of California voters in 2000 - and it can only be undone by the voters. That is, it doesn't "end" simply because the state and county aren't funding alcohol and drug treatment.

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43 US: Web: The Disastrous War on Drugs Turns 40Fri, 11 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Nadelmann, Ethan Area:United States Lines:204 Added:02/12/2011

How Do We Stop the Madness?

Four Decades After President Nixon Declared His War on Drugs, Let's Take a Look at the Devastation and Figure Out How to End This Thing.

Some anniversaries provide an occasion for celebration, others a time for reflection, still others a time for action. This June will mark forty years since President Nixon declared a "war on drugs," identifying drug abuse as "public enemy No. 1." As far as I know, no celebrations are planned. What's needed, indeed essential, are reflection -- and action.

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44 US: Web: Pot May Be Instrumental in Combatting Cancer, MS and Other Diseases buThu, 10 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:United States Lines:94 Added:02/11/2011

A Review of the NIH Website Shows That U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse's Kibosh on Medical Marijuana Trials Continues Unabated.

It was nearly two years ago when the Obama White House issued it's 'Scientific Integrity' memorandum stating, "Science and the scientific process must inform and guide decisions of my Administration." Those of us involved in marijuana law reform welcomed the memo - which came just months after the American Medical Association called for "facilitating ... clinical research and [the] development of cannabinoid-based medicines" - and we hoped that it would stimulate the commencement of long-overdue human studies into the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis.

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45 US: Web: Which Dangerous Toxins Are in Your Marijuana?Fri, 04 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Harkinson, Josh Area:United States Lines:152 Added:02/06/2011

Grown Under the Radar of Legal Authorities, Even "Medical" Cannabis Can Be Covered in Toxic Mold or Coated in Commercial-Grade Synthetic Fertilizers and Insecticides.

In 2004, California organic farm inspector Chris Van Hook submitted an unusual request to the US Department of Agriculture: He wanted permission to certify a medical marijuana farm as organic.

He'd already inspected three pot farms, he says, before word came back that weed couldn't be organic because it wasn't a federally recognized crop.

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46 US: Web: Contest to Create Jobs for the Formerly IncarceratedFri, 04 Feb 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Papa, Anthony Area:United States Lines:91 Added:02/06/2011

With more states looking for an economic solution to solve their budgetary problems, more prisoners are being released early from their sentences. Politicians are calling for ways to let individuals out of prison faster because of the economics of doing so. In New York State, which has reduced its prison population significantly because of Rockefeller Drug Law reforms, many prisoners are now returning to their communities.

The question I pose is what do we do with them once they get out? How will they survive once ex-offenders return to the real world? Andrew Potash, a retired insurance entrepreneur and CEO, has an answer to this question. He wants to give back to society by creating businesses that employ the formerly incarcerated. He and his small team, Spring Into Action, were set to launch New York City's first mattress recycling business in October of 2010, until they came face-to-face with their greatest business challenge - bed bugs.

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47 US: Web: U.S. Rejects Indigenous Rights in Favor of Failed War on DrugsMon, 24 Jan 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Robelo, Daniel Ernesto Area:United States Lines:99 Added:01/29/2011

Why Is the United States Formally Objecting to Bolivia's Request to the UN to Allow Its Ancestral Practice of Coca Leaf Chewing?

Last week the United States formally objected to Bolivia's request to the United Nations to allow the ancestral practice of coca leaf chewing. In doing so, it revealed the corruption, hypocrisy and futility of the global war on drugs, which it clearly values over the rights of indigenous peoples.

Bolivia's proposal is modest. It would strike two clauses from the 1961 U.N. Single Convention on Narcotics Drugs, which require that coca chewing "be abolished within twenty-five years" after taking effect. The existing system of cocaine prohibition would remain.

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48 US: Web: Will Cigarettes Be Made Illegal in the Near Future?Fri, 21 Jan 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Newman, Tony Area:United States Lines:91 Added:01/23/2011

The battle over cigarettes is heating up - and recent news shows that momentum to criminalize tobacco smoking continues to build in the United States and around the world.

Last week the New York Times reported on the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan's war on cigarette smokers. Back in 2005 Bhutan banned the sale of tobacco but made little headway as smugglers brought in cigarettes from India. Now the country is enforcing the ban by allowing authorities to break down doors looking for illegal cigarettes. People who sell illegal cigarettes are now facing five year sentences. Breaking down doors and long sentences over the tobacco plant! Sounds familiar? If it does, it's because that's how the U.S. deals with the marijuana and coca plants.

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49 US: Web: What Are the U.S.'s Real Motives for Launching a Drug War in Mexico?Thu, 20 Jan 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Cockcroft, James Area:United States Lines:387 Added:01/21/2011

The following is an excerpt from James Cockcroft's new book, Mexico's Revolution: Then and Now (Monthly Review Press, 2010).

U.S. Intervention

For decades, Washington, D.C., has been pouring military aid into Mexico. In 2008 there were 6,000 U.S. troops on the Mexican border, and in 2010 President Barack Obama decided to send in more. The U.S. side of the border is militarized, as it was before and during the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917 and periodically since then. Drones routinely fly over Mexican soil. In the United States, video games show American troops invading Mexico.

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50 US: Web: Book Review: When Booze Was Banned but Pot Was NotFri, 14 Jan 2011
Source:AlterNet (US Web) Author:Sullum, Jacob Area:United States Lines:263 Added:01/15/2011

What Can Today's Crusaders Against Prohibition Learn From Their Predecessors Who Ended the Alcohol Ban?

Reviewed: Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, by Daniel Okrent, Scribner, 468 pages, $30

Of the 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, the 18th is the only one explicitly aimed at restricting people's freedom. It is also the only one that has ever been repealed. Maybe that's encouraging, especially for those of us who recognize the parallels between that amendment, which ushered in the nationwide prohibition of alcohol, and current bans on other drugs.

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