Abbotsford News _CN BC_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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151 CN BC: Project Tip Your Dealer Scores BigSat, 01 Aug 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:38 Added:08/03/2009

Abbotsford Police have seized a sizable quantity of drugs after launching a new strategy to combat trafficking in Abbotsford's downtown core.

Const. Ian MacDonald said the department's bike squad and beat team paired up and are targeting dealers in the area.

The officers are using a variety of methods, such as possibly using undercover officers to make contact with drug traffickers and make arrests.

The project started on Monday and is already making progress, said MacDonald.

Within the first two days, officers seized 74 pieces of crack cocaine of various weights, 51 flaps of heroin, several thousand dollars in cash and five cellphones and electronic devices. "This is not a huge area, so in a two-day period, that's a pretty good haul," said MacDonald.

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152 CN BC: PUB LTE: The Poster Boy For Freedom Of ExpressionThu, 30 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Smith, Norman G. Area:British Columbia Lines:48 Added:07/30/2009

Whether you love him or hate him, Tim Felger is a poster boy for freedom of expression. When just one Canadian is being persecuted because he expresses controversial opinions, we are all at risk and our country is going to crap.

The great philosopher Voltaire said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it." Those days are gone.

Germany persecuted the Jews because they spoke out against Hitler at a time when the Nazis were popular. History proved the Jews right, but they paid a heavy price for speaking out.

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153 CN BC: Editorial: Murder Capital Moniker A MisnomerThu, 23 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:42 Added:07/23/2009

No city should have to be labelled the "Murder Capital of Canada," especially considering that the name is a misnomer.

It is not a title bestowed by Statistics Canada after analyzing the number of homicides in cities and regions in relation to population. Rather, it is a label given by the media as it reviews these stats. The title might just as easily be given to the area with the most murders, regardless of population.

Or to the city, and not the CMA - such as Pitt Meadows - whose three homicides with 16,800 population gives it an alarming homicide rate.

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154 CN BC: Gang Violence Drives Body CountThu, 23 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:127 Added:07/23/2009

The spiral of gang violence is the primary factor driving the high body count in Abbotsford, say the mayor and chief of police.

While not denying the gravity of the problem, they suggest new statistics indicating Abbotsford-Mission per capita homicide rates are the highest in Canada are somewhat deceiving.

However, both civic leaders agree six homicides in Abbotsford during 2008 is too many.

"The numbers are alarming. No question about it. Sadly it doesn't look like our homicide rate will be much lower in 2009," said Mayor George Peary.

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155 CN BC: Judge Slams DealerTue, 14 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:36 Added:07/16/2009

A provincial court judge gave an unusually stiff sentence to a minor for trafficking "hard" drugs at the skateboard park near the Abbotsford Recreation Centre.

The 18-year-old youth pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and heroin for the purpose of trafficking after selling drugs to an undercover officer.

Judge Kenneth Skilnick noted the offender and his associates chose to deal drugs in the "heart of an area frequented by children and adolescents."

He sentenced the young man, who cannot be named, to deferred custody and a supervision order of six months for the offence.

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156 CN BC: LTE: Get Tough On Young CriminalsThu, 16 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:35 Added:07/16/2009

I am writing about the sentence passed to a young drug dealer who was selling his product at the skateboard park.

Way to go, judge!

I just hope that this deters others from selling drugs like cocaine and heroin, or anything else for that matter, to our youth.

My kids, aged 10-14, frequent both skate parks, and I want to thank you for keeping our children safer.

Harder sentences are needed to keep our kids safe. Too often, criminals find the back door, get a slap on the wrist and return to their old doings, thinking, "If that's all I get, then the punishment is worth the crime."

I hope this judge sets an example for other judges. I want to be able to keep letting my kids out to play, and this is a step in the right direction.

Good on you!

Mother of three


157 CN BC: One Mother's StoryThu, 16 Jul 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Hopes, Vikki Area:British Columbia Lines:105 Added:07/16/2009

The two pink lines couldn't have been more bold. The home pregnancy test indicated that Roxanne Meer - 16 years old and a drug addict - was pregnant.

She was living in a hotel with her 26-year-old boyfriend, "Jason." He was stunned at the news - Roxanne had been using the Depo Provera birth control injection - but said he would support her in whatever choice she made.

In that moment, she wanted to get high. She also decided she wanted an abortion.

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158 CN BC: Pot Activist's Business Licence Focus Of HearingSat, 06 Jun 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:49 Added:06/07/2009

The City of Abbotsford is holding a hearing to determine if it will suspend the business licence of marijuana activist and political aspirant Tim Felger.

Felger was arrested and charged with a number of drug offences for allegedly trafficking pot out of his downtown store to teenagers last month.

Consequently, the city sent notice to Felger the business licence inspector is recommending the Da Kine store at 33772 Essendene Ave. be closed.

At the hearing June 29, council will review the evidence gathered by police, hear from Felger and consider cancelling or suspending his licence. It will be closed to the public.

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159 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drug War Killing YouthTue, 02 Jun 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Durant, Karen Area:British Columbia Lines:37 Added:06/02/2009

Drug abuse is a medical condition and should not be considered a criminal offence. I am so pleased to see more people having the courage to speak out against the drug wars that are killing our youth.

Employing more police and building more jails just creates a community of criminals.

Portugal decriminalized drugs in 2001, crime has dropped, drug abuse has dropped.

The issue has been studied to death and history proves prohibition does not work. The regulation and tax of drugs, education and harm reduction will lower crime and drug abuse.

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160 CN BC: Pot Activist Out On BailThu, 28 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:91 Added:05/30/2009

Abbotsford marijuana activist Tim Felger is out on bail following recent drug charges for allegedly selling pot to teens out of his downtown store.

Felger was released from custody Monday afternoon.

The Abbotsford drug squad raided the Da Kine shop on Essendene Avenue on May 13.

Felger was charged with one count of possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, and six counts of trafficking.

The infamous Da Kine store, which sells drug paraphernalia, is plastered with signs decrying the drug war and calling for an end to drug prohibition.

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161 CN BC: PUB LTE: Opinions on Drugs Rooted in FearTue, 26 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Muirhead, Michael Area:British Columbia Lines:59 Added:05/26/2009

In her letter decrying the evils of drug-law abolition, ("A crime is a crime," May 22), Louise Fribance brings up some of the central arguments made by both sides of the issue at stake, but she does not address even a single one of them by exposing, acknowledging or dealing with any of the facts.

Fribance writes: "How many people, compared to smokers and drinkers, use marijuana and other drugs? A few, comparatively."

Really? More than one-third of all Canadians over the age of 16 have used cannabis at least once.

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162 CN BC: PUB LTE: Prohibition Must GoTue, 26 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Currie-Johnson, Gilbert Area:British Columbia Lines:56 Added:05/26/2009

Tuesday, May 19 will remain forever as one of the happiest days of my life. The editorial "Sober context to bust" is the first time I have noted such genuine information, wisdom and reality concerning the war on drugs as being a hopeless, self-contradicting enterprise in a respected medium.

"Prohibition is not effective."

If only the people in power will listen to this message and accept it. I have been advocating the folly of prohibition for over 40 years.

A few examples of support:

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163 CN BC: Street Problems Too Much to TakeTue, 26 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Corbett, Neil Area:British Columbia Lines:114 Added:05/26/2009

The drug trade and prostitution on the streets of downtown Abbotsford is driving the owner of at least one business out of the downtown area.

After four frustrating years, Nina Lehtonen said she's going to have to set up her McCallum Road pet grooming shop, Fetching Fur, in her carport.

"Crackheads and hookers hanging out in this area are affecting our business big time," said Lehtonen. "... I am forced to move."

She said some customers won't patronize her store, located in a small strip mall at the corner of McDougall Avenue, when they see people using drugs, or sleeping against the wall.

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164 CN BC: PUB LTE: Decriminalization Will Save LivesSat, 23 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Nenn, Klaus Area:British Columbia Lines:64 Added:05/25/2009

In reference to the Tim Felger arrest for trafficking in marijuana.

(Allegedly) dealing to kids wasn't wise, but overall I would say after numerous discussions with the man, I believe his philosophy on the drug wars is correct.

A huge percentage of my tax dollars are spent on a useless drug war that was started by the very people who created the problem.

If politicians make cigarettes and glasses of wine or gin and tonics at dinner illegal substances, we can guarantee the same liquor and smoke war in three years.

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165 CN BC: LTE: A Crime Is a CrimeSat, 23 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Fribance, Louise Area:British Columbia Lines:58 Added:05/25/2009

It never fails to amaze me when the solution to everything is to lower the bar and take the easy way out.

Legalizing marijuana (and other drugs to follow) is the easy way out. How many people, compared to smokers and drinkers, use marijuana and other drugs? A few, comparatively. I know it looks like there are a lot of users, but that is because all the media attention is concentrated on the small number.

How many students smoke and drink? Quite a few, I would think. That is because both these substances are legal and available.

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166 CN BC: Editorial: Sober Context To BustThu, 21 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:05/23/2009

We have no sympathy for Tim Felger. The marijuana activist arrested yet again last week is the architect of his own misfortune in terms of attracting the attention of police.

Felger makes his own choices in terms of what he does and sells in his Da Kine store. And if found guilty of pot trafficking, those choices will be grievous, particularly given his previous drug conviction. That said, there is a certain irony in Felger's bust juxtaposed with a Statistics Canada report, released the same day, that listed Abbotsford as being among the top five cities in the country for drug crime rates.

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167 CN BC: Chief Warns Abbotsford Teens Dealing Drugs They AreThu, 14 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:83 Added:05/15/2009

Teens involved in petty drug dealing could be targets in the ongoing war between the UN and Red Scorpions gangs, warns Abbotsford Police Chief Bob Rich.

Looking to save kids involved in the street level drug trade from becoming victims in the region's gang war, Abbotsford Police have set up a youth help line, Rich announced at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium Thursday.

All four of the young men recently murdered in Abbotsford were selling drugs at a low level, and all four were considered associated with the Red Scorpions, Rich stated.

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168 CN BC: Abbotsford Marijuana Activist ArrestedThu, 14 May 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:46 Added:05/15/2009

Abbotsford Police arrested marijuana activist and recent political candidate Tim Felger at his downtown store Wednesday evening.

Wielding a warrant issued under the Controlled Drug and Substances Act, patrol officers and the drug squad busted the Da Kine shop on Essendene Avenue just after 5 p.m.

Abbotsford Police Sgt. Howard Olson said Felger sells drug paraphernalia out of the shop front.

"I don't know specifically what was found. I know drug product as well as paraphernalia was seized."

He did not say what charges, if any, Felger would be facing.

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169 CN BC: Drug Dogs Back In SchoolsTue, 28 Apr 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Hopes, VikKi Area:British Columbia Lines:83 Added:05/02/2009

The Abbotsford board of education plans to resume searches by drug detection dogs this fall, and that has the B.C. Civil Liberties Association scrutinizing a Supreme Court of Canada ruling.

That decision determined that police cannot use random dog searches to find drugs at schools or in public places, except airports.

Searches were last in place at Abbotsford middle and high schools in the 2005-06 school year, on a random basis, but were halted after the private company contracted for the work had some of its dogs stolen, said Kevin Godden, acting secretary-treasurer for the school district.

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170 CN BC: Editorial: Release The HoundsThu, 30 Apr 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:64 Added:04/30/2009

Civil libertarians argue that drug dogs should not be allowed into schools. Similarly, some parents and students agree this a violation of privancy rights.

Nonetheless, there may be searches by drug detection dogs in Abbotsford middle and secondary schools, if the local board of education determines it to be within the confines of the law.

As recently as last Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled the random use of drug-sniffing dogs is unconstitutional.

The case involved an unexpected visit by a trained police dog to a Sarnia high school, where it sniffed backpacks in an empty gymnasium. One was found to contain marijuana and magic mushrooms. The young owner was acquitted of trafficking charges, because the high court ruled he had been charged after a warrantless search.

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171 CN BC: Matsqui Prisoners Go On StrikeTue, 07 Apr 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:91 Added:04/09/2009

Inmates at Matsqui Institution are refusing to go to their prison jobs and programs to protest new changes at the jail.

The strike at the medium security prison began last Monday and involves around 200 inmates, said assistant warden Gord Tanner.

Although inmates are still going to chapel, visiting with relatives, and undertaking other activities, they are not attending work programs.

"They're not working in the kitchen, going to school, or working on the grounds," said Tanner.

The inmate protest was sparked by changes being instituted to meet corrections policy objectives, he said.

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172 CN BC: LTE: 'Gangstas' No LossTue, 07 Apr 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Dunlop, Reg Area:British Columbia Lines:26 Added:04/08/2009

Let me break from the pack of the politically correct and say that drug dealers that end up with a toe tag is no loss to society.

I know, I know, 'they are human beings, they were just young and making mistakes' blah , blah.

These drug dealers think nothing of selling drugs to our young 'good' kids and taking their money so they can live that oh-so-sexy "gangsta" lifestyle.

It won't come too soon that all these "gangstas" end up with a big fat toe tag.

Reg Dunlop


173 CN BC: Abbotsford Murder Victims Have Gang TiesSat, 04 Apr 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:67 Added:04/08/2009

Police have identified the two young men found dead within 24 hours of one another in different Abbotsford locations.

Ryan Alexander Richards, 19, of Abbotsford, was found sprawled in a grassy field behind the Yellow Barn - a produce store on the Abbotsford/Chilliwack border south of Highway 1 - at daybreak on Tuesday morning.

Investigators say Richards was the victim of foul play, but have yet to say how he died.

The second victim, Sean Patrick Murphy, aged 21 from Mission, was found Monday evening, dead from gunshot wounds. He was behind the wheel of a beige Toyota Camry on Bateman Road. Both young men were known to police.

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174 CN BC: Dirty DrugsMon, 30 Mar 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:106 Added:04/01/2009

Young people are most likely to fall victim to street drugs laced with dangerous contaminants, research at the University of the Fraser Valley shows.

Darryl Plecas, RCMP University Research Chair in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, teamed up with other UFV researchers, and found the drug ecstasy is almost always laced with unexpected ingredients or more addictive drugs.

"Youth are definitely most at risk because they are the largest consumers of ecstasy," said Plecas.

Most street drugs are contaminated, but ecstasy is the worst offender, he said.

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175 CN BC: Editorial: An Argument That's Gone To PotWed, 25 Mar 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:63 Added:03/26/2009

Another day, another targeted shooting.

Such is life (and death) in the Lower Mainland these days.

In the past few months, there have been 37 shootings, with three occurring just over the weekend.

The escalating violence is leaving residents rattled. And rightly so.

Finding people to blame is the easiest part of this crisis. The courts, the police, the politicians, even parents share responsibility for the carnage, according to some.

To one group however, the solution is simple: decriminalize marijuana. With knee-jerk regularity they claim every gangland slaying and every drive-by attack could be avoided if marijuana were legally obtainable.

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176 CN BC: Enough Is EnoughTue, 10 Mar 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:107 Added:03/12/2009

Community is the newest key weapon in combatting the spiral of gang and gun violence in the Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver, says the head of the province's gang task force.

Supt. Dan Malo, officer in charge of the B.C. Integrated Gang Task Force (IGTF), said the recent tactic by police agencies of issuing public warnings about gangsters is having great outcomes.

"Police are seeing that the attitude by the public that 'enough is enough' is very beneficial to law enforcement," said Malo.

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177 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drugs Should Be RegulatedTue, 10 Mar 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Gwilt, Carol Area:British Columbia Lines:37 Added:03/12/2009

Editor, The News:

This is in response to the article "Two busted for drugs outside Matsqui; one escapes."

This is a perfect example of how prohibition creates an extremely lucrative black market for anyone willing to take the risk. Cannabis and tobacco are currently being sold in prisons at the rate of $10 for one-sixth of a gram rolled in a "pinner joint." At 454 grams per pound, that is $27,240.

I would think some people would look at a jail sentence as going out to the oil rigs to work for a few months: make mad money, meet new people and learn some new skills that will carry them through life.

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178 CN BC: LTE: Gang Wars Fueled By Illegal Drug ConsumersTue, 03 Mar 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Myrholm, Eric Area:British Columbia Lines:51 Added:03/05/2009

Editor, The News

Reading the letter in the "Opinion" column, Feb. 26, "Tools to fight crime a mystery," written by Gary Huntbatch gives me cause for concern.

He seems to imply that there is no way violence and crime within the gangster community can be quelled as long as certain drugs remain illegal.

If drugs were to be legalized would not the gangster element find new target customers? Possibly youth?

Would not easier access to illegal/legal drugs increase the use by youth? Would they not feel that if drugs were legal it must be OK to use them?

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179 CN BC: Beating Gangs And CrimeWed, 25 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:94 Added:02/28/2009

Aboriginal leaders are gathering in Abbotsford to combat the presence of gangs, drugs and organized crime on Fraser Valley reserves.

Chief Dalton Silver of the Sumas First Nation said gangs in the Valley are actively trying to conscript aboriginal youth, while competing with one another to secure the drug trade on reserves.

"Chiefs are worried there's a recruitment process going on. [Criminals] get youth involved in the drugs, who get in debt to dealers, and must do some duties with the gang to pay it off. Before you know it, they are totally involved and a part of it," he said.

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180 CN BC: PUB LTE: 'Tools' To Fight Crime A MysteryWed, 25 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Huntbatch, Gary Area:British Columbia Lines:39 Added:02/28/2009

Editor, The News:

I agree with Mayor Peary that the police lack the tools required to quell the violence created by the struggle for power within the gangster community.

However, what would these tools be? It is my opinion that there is not and never will be a "tool" that the police could possess that will stop this problem. It is a problem for humanity that cannot be solved through prohibition or by taking away a person's right to do what they want with their own body.

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181 CN BC: LTE: Marijuana Is A Harmful DrugSat, 21 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Myrholm, Eric Area:British Columbia Lines:62 Added:02/22/2009

Editor, The News:

This is in response to the letter "It's time to decriminalize marijuana" by Karen Durant (The News, Feb. 10).

Some thoughts expressed are cause for concern. Durant feels that bringing in more severe sentences for drug crimes "will criminalize ordinary people and ruin lives."

I would say that people who obey laws have self-discipline and are responsible citizens who will not be criminalized. Is it possible that they might have a positive effect on youth?

Drug Watch International states in part, "Leaf marijuana is not a medicine. It is a harmful psychoactive drug, composed of over 400 different chemicals, which should not be used by anyone, especially by people who are ill.

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182 CN BC: LTE: Marijuana Leads To Harder Drug UseWed, 18 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Korkowski, A. Area:British Columbia Lines:47 Added:02/19/2009

Editor, The News:

This is in response to the letter "It's time to decriminalize marijuana" (The News, Feb. 10).

If you ask people in active addiction or recovering addicts where their drug addictions started, they would reply, "Smoking pot."

Marijuana is a gateway drug. We are so concerned about designated smoking areas because smoking is deemed "unhealthy." Why, then, would you want to legalize marijuana?

Do you seriously think that if you regulate it, that everyone who grows it will pay taxes? That there won't be any illegal growing or sales? You think that it will "crack" organized crime? Reduce gang activity?

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183 CN BC: PUB LTE: Mandatory Minimums Not The AnswerSat, 14 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Janvrin, Robert Area:British Columbia Lines:37 Added:02/14/2009

Editor, The News:

Mandatory minimum sentences do not put teeth into the law, they remove justice from the law.

Vigilantes want frontier justice, not the protection by law of the innocent from unjust prosecution that a civilized society deserves. Such measures are the tactics of the self-righteous who treat citizens as children instead of adults, and insult judges who are appointed because of their knowledge of the law and their wisdom.

As a lawyer, Ed Fast should know this. His boosterism of Bill C-26 smacks of hypocrisy and politicking, and those who believe that C-26 will improve matters are being misled.

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184 CN BC: PUB LTE: It's Time To Decriminalize MarijuanaTue, 10 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Durant, Karen Area:British Columbia Lines:65 Added:02/11/2009

Editor, The News:

In the 1920s and early '30s, Chicago had Al Capone. Today the Lower Mainland has the Bacon brothers, only because they are in the news, but their want-to-be assassins are somehow invisible.

Alcohol - or the "noble experiment," as it was called - was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America. It was a miserable failure on all counts. Doesn't it sound familiar? Have we not learned form our past?

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185 CN BC: Abbotsford Forum Tackles Gang CrimeTue, 03 Feb 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:125 Added:02/05/2009

Hundreds of Abbotsford residents packed the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium last night, to voice their frustration about crime and violence in the city to Mayor George Peary and Police Chief Bob Rich.

The community safety forum was organized following a rash of shootings in Abbotsford in recent weeks.

The most flagrant shooting was a murder attempt on alleged gangster James Bacon, which saw bullets fly in broad daylight in the middle of a busy intersection.

Chief Bob Rich outlined his strategy to make Abbotsford the safest city in B.C.

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186 CN BC: Police Chief Promises Safest City In B.C.Sat, 31 Jan 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:113 Added:02/01/2009

Police Chief Bob Rich Is Promising To Make Abbotsford The Safest City In British Columbia.

Rich has a new strategic plan which will not only address gang crime and violence, but also property crime, serious car crashes, domestic violence, police response times and street disorder.

The rash of shooting incidents last week only highlights the need to suppress gang crime, said Rich.

"I believe dealing with gang crime and violence is the number-one policing priority of Abbotsford and all [departments] in the province."

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187 CN BC: Man Shot At Suspected Grow RipSat, 24 Jan 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:99 Added:01/25/2009

Abbotsford Police attended their second shooting in a week to find a wounded man bound, beaten and bloody in the driveway of a rural home early Thursday morning.

Officers were called to a home in the 28200 block of Huntingdon Road around 1:45 a.m. by a man who said he'd been shot.

On their arrival, police found the 42-year-old victim sprawled in front of the home with gunshot wounds to his torso, said Const. Casey Vinet.

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188 CN BC: Second Shooting In Two DaysSat, 24 Jan 2009
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:40 Added:01/25/2009

Jamie Bacon narrowly escaped that incident with his life, after gunfire erupted at the intersection of Sumas Way and South Fraser Way. He was sitting at the intersection in a black Mercedes SL55 when a gunman in another vehicle opened fire, riddling his car with bullets.

Vinet said the Abbotsford Police are doing everything they can.

"Two shootings in two days is a serious problem. We understand the public's frustrations and share their concerns," he said.

Shootings are difficult investigations because they often require the help of witnesses who are either uncooperative or unwilling to come forward, he said.

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189 CN BC: City Faces Lawsuit Over Safety InspectionWed, 19 Nov 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:79 Added:11/22/2008

Abbotsford's Public Safety Inspection Team, which targets illegal marijuana grow operations, is under fire in the courts again.

An Abbotsford couple is suing the City of Abbotsford in B.C. Supreme Court, saying the safety inspection team conducted an illegal search of their home.

The city is already seeking legal advice around a recent B.C. Supreme Court decision - based on a case involving a similar program in Surrey - - which allows the city to inspect suspected grow-ops, but now forbids police from attending to protect city bylaw officers.

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190 CN BC: Grow-Op Fighting Program ThreatenedWed, 12 Nov 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:94 Added:11/15/2008

Abbotsford's Public Safety Inspection Team (PSIT) which targets illegal marijuana grow operations may be in danger, following a recent B.C. Supreme Court decision.

The court decision, based on a case involving a similar program in Surrey, has upheld the municipality's right to inspect suspected grow-ops, but now forbids police from attending and protecting city bylaw officers.

Jay Teichroeb, city spokesman, said the city is not sure how the ruling will impact Abbotsford's PSIT.

"We've asked for a legal opinion on that ruling, and are waiting to hear back from our lawyers regarding the appropriate course of action for the City of Abbotsford to take, and the implications for PSIT operations," Teichroeb said.

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191 CN BC: Campaign Shifts GearsMon, 20 Oct 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:60 Added:10/22/2008

Just days after wrapping up one election campaign, Abbotsford council candidate Tim Felger is starting another.

Felger ran federally for the Radical Marijuana party during last week's federal election, and despite failing in his bid to become Abbotsford's MP, he will make an attempt to become a city councillor on Nov. 15.

Felger highlights a number of plans that he has for Abbotsford, should he become a city councillor.

Firstly, he says he would like to buy the Simpson Elementary School site and turn it into a centre for homeless people. The property would be perfect as it already has showers, telephones and electricity, he said.

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192 CN BC: Radical Marijuana Monicker 'A Surprise'Sat, 18 Oct 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Millican, Joe Area:British Columbia Lines:76 Added:10/20/2008

What's in a name? Quite a lot, it would appear, for federal election candidate Tim Felger.

Throughout his campaign, Felger promoted himself as the Abbotsford representative for the Marijuana Party of Canada.

However, Felger was more than a little surprised on election day when his name appeared on the ballot as Abbotsford's "Radical Marijuana" candidate.

Speaking Wednesday, Felger - who finished last of Abbotsford's five candidates with 358 votes - said he had "no idea" why the name change occurred.

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193 CN BC: OPED: Holy smoke: Pastor Admires Pot Candidate's DedicationWed, 01 Oct 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Schatz, Warren Area:British Columbia Lines:133 Added:10/03/2008

I have a confession to make. I drove through a red light last week.

I didn't mean to, but as I was approaching Essendene and West Railway Street I happened to glance out of my car window at the election campaign signs dotting the landscape.

One of Mr. Tim Felger's (Abbotsford federal candidate running for the Marijuana Party) more creative signs so distracted me that I rolled right through the intersection before I realized it.

Fortunately, the other drivers weren't as distracted and kindly allowed me to drive through the intersection safely. My thanks to you!

[continues 790 words]

194 CN BC: Lots Of Crime, Few CriminalsSat, 27 Sep 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Mills, Kevin Area:British Columbia Lines:98 Added:09/30/2008

Do you think we live in a safe community? If you do, you may be fooling yourself.

In his presentation entitled Let's Stop Being Stupid About Crime, Dr. Darryl Plecas - a 29 year veteran of the UFV criminology department, director of the Centre for Criminal Justice Research, and RCMP research chair in crime reduction - told the crowd at Wednesday's Chamber luncheon that when it comes to crime statistics, we may not be as safe as we thought.

"Canada has nothing to be proud of. We are consistently above the average," Plecas said.

[continues 435 words]

195 CN BC: Election Signs DestroyedWed, 17 Sep 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:38 Added:09/19/2008

The federal election campaign is less than two weeks old, but one of Abbotsford's five candidates is already expressing frustration that his signs are either disappearing or being ripped down.

Marijuana Party candidate Tim Felger said on Monday that $1,800 worth of signs had already been destroyed by members of the public since he started putting them up at the end of last week. "I am spending a lot of money and a lot of energy doing this," Felger said.

[continues 135 words]

196 CN BC: Police Board Reviews Five Murders of 2008Wed, 17 Sep 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Beyak, Trudy Area:British Columbia Lines:82 Added:09/19/2008

Abbotsford Police have dealt with five murders so far this year, compared to only one last year for the same period last year.

Deputy Chief Rick Lucy provided the latest crime statistics for August to the Police Board report on Tuesday.

Several of the homicides this year are related to the drug trade and gang violence.

Lucy said the Abbotsford Police are very concerned about the increase in crimes of violence and murder this year and are taking steps to try to prevent and reduce these crimes from happening. The status of the 2008 murder investigations:

[continues 399 words]

197 CN BC: Abbotsford Shooting Victim IdentifiedTue, 22 Jul 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:72 Added:07/24/2008

Police have identified the 25-year-old Abbotsford man who died of gunshot wounds following a drug related shooting early Tuesday morning.

Cpl. Dale Carr, of the integrated homicide investigation team (IHIT), said the victim was Dustin Lee Wester of Abbotsford.

"We can conclusively say [the shooting] was linked to drugs," said Carr. Investigators have established the shooting did not occur at the spot Wester was found.

The shooting took place at rural property in Abbotsford where police also discovered a large marijuana grow operation, Carr said.

[continues 309 words]

198 CN BC: PUB LTE: In Defence of the 'Tree of Life'Sat, 14 Jun 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Brown, Andrew Area:British Columbia Lines:45 Added:06/16/2008

Editor, The News:

In response to the letter to the editor headlined "Marijuana as medicine a myth," I feel that the author has failed to recognize the overwhelming studies that have been published lately, that prove the exact opposite of what he is claiming.

Because of prohibition of this useful plant, unbiased studies were very hard to come by, until lately.

To better understand the studies that were referred to in the anti-pot letter, we need to look at the motivation for "conducting" that study. They are often funded by drug companies, or the American government - definitely two groups that have our best interests in mind (sarcasm, in case you didn't realize).

[continues 97 words]

199 CN BC: LTE: Marijuana As Medicine A MythSat, 07 Jun 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Greenhalgh, David Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:06/07/2008

Editor, The News:

Recent news reports feature a lawsuit against Abbotsford Police for busting an alleged "medical marijuana" grow op.

This neat little loophole is beginning to cause havoc with historically lawful seizures, and is enabling addicts to drive a truck through perfectly reasonable laws designed to protect healthy society.

The psychotic effects of prolonged use have long been well known to medical professionals worldwide.

Also well known are the impairment effects of cannabis use on drivers, which extrapolates to equipment and machinery operators in the workplace.

[continues 376 words]

200 CN BC: Suing Abbotsford PoliceSat, 31 May 2008
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Baker, Rochelle Area:British Columbia Lines:61 Added:06/01/2008

A wheelchair-bound man is suing the Abbotsford Police department for an alleged assault and negligent treatment he suffered in police cells after his home was subject to a drug bust in November.

Ryan Moonie, formerly of Abbotsford and now living in Vancouver, filed a statement of claim in B.C. Supreme Court on Monday.

Moonie was arrested Nov. 27 after the Abbotsford drug squad raided his rural home, and discovered a large marijuana grow operation and a number of loaded guns, police reported at the time.

[continues 276 words]

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