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1 North Macedonia: A Cannabis Superpower Awaits The Green LightSun, 29 Mar 2020
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Segal, David Area:Macedonia Lines:209 Added:03/29/2020

SKOPJE, North Macedonia - In a desolate industrial zone of this capital city, a cannabis grow house is under construction that, when finished, will span 178,000 square feet, about the size of a Walmart superstore. At full capacity, 17 tons of marijuana a year, worth about $50 million, will be harvested. Among the planned offerings is an American strain known as Herijuana, a portmanteau of "heroin" and "marijuana," which has received some rhapsodic online reviews.

"I feel blown to the dome omg," wrote a fan on Leafly, a cannabis review site. "It also gave me the ability to rap."

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2 North Macedonia: A Cannabis Superpower Awaits The Green LightSun, 29 Mar 2020
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Segal, David Area:Macedonia Lines:210 Added:03/29/2020

SKOPJE, North Macedonia - In a desolate industrial zone of this capital city, a cannabis grow house is under construction that, when finished, will span 178,000 square feet, about the size of a Walmart superstore. At full capacity, 17 tons of marijuana a year, worth about $50 million, will be harvested. Among the planned offerings is an American strain known as Herijuana, a portmanteau of "heroin" and "marijuana," which has received some rhapsodic online reviews.

"I feel blown to the dome omg," wrote a fan on Leafly, a cannabis review site. "It also gave me the ability to rap."

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3 Macedonia: Rebels Spend Drug Millions On GunsSat, 16 Feb 2002
Source:Daily Telegraph (UK) Author:Jennings, Christian Area:Macedonia Lines:115 Added:02/18/2002

EXTREMIST Albanian rebels seeking to start a new round of conflict in the southern Balkans have been buying millions of pounds worth of weapons with the proceeds of heroin smuggling from Afghanistan to the streets of a dozen European capitals.

Senior drug trade analysts from the United Nations Drug Control Programme in Vienna and Western police officials say much of the heroin being sold in countries such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland is starting to come from multi-billion pound stocks of Afghan heroin in Central Asia.

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