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1 CN BC: More Needles Found At SchoolFri, 08 Dec 2017
Source:Penticton Western (CN BC) Author:Bowie, Tara Area:British Columbia Lines:98 Added:12/08/2017

Like all parents, Nadine Remington wants to know her nine-year-old son is safe while on school property.

But, the increasing problem of drug use on school property after hours is heightening fears for her and other parents.

Earlier this week, Remington was told by her son who is in Grade 4 at Queen's Park School that people were living in a shed on the school's property and that he had seen a needle and matches nearby.

After a similar experience of the boy finding drug paraphernalia at KVR Middle School while at camp this summer, she took his claims seriously and headed out to the school to see it herself. Remington and her husband didn't find anyone in the shed, but there was evidence suggesting someone was living in it recently and a needle on the ground at the door.

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2 CN BC: Editorial: Legalization Means RulesFri, 08 Dec 2017
Source:Goldstream Gazette (Victoria, CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:52 Added:12/08/2017

Ever since, and probably long before, the federal Liberals started the process to legalize marijuana, some people have been equating legalization with deregulation.

That was never in the cards. Saying 'But it's legal now, mannnnnnn,' after blowing smoke in a cop's face just isn't going to carry much weight with him as he confiscates your joint or outfits you with a pair of pretty silver bracelets.

The announcement this week that B.C.'s Liquor Distribution branch will have responsibility for distribution of non-medical marijuana shouldn't have come as a surprise, though it seems it did for many.

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3CN BC: Column: B.C. Bud Coming 'Into The Sunshine'Thu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Leyne, Les Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/07/2017

One thing the government's round of cannabis consultation discovered is how firmly established the underground marijuana business is in B.C.

The legalization of marijuana next July across Canada is going to be a dramatic change. But judging by the interest groups that made submissions on how to go about it, it's a relatively short hop in B.C. from the current situation to the historic new regime. They're already organized, up-front and pretty open about what's going on.

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4 CN BC: Column: Why Liquor Stores Need To Sell PotThu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Daily Courier, The (CN BC) Author:Godbout, Neil Area:British Columbia Lines:97 Added:12/07/2017

The B.C. NDP government tipped its hand Tuesday on how it plans to regulate the legal sale of marijuana. Besides setting the age at 19 to buy, possess and consume pot, similar to alcohol and tobacco, the province said the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch will be the sole supplier, distributing pot to private and public stores in the same manner it already does with booze.

The government didn't address exactly who will sell pot but it looks like the NDP will take a different tact from the model already laid out in Ontario, where legal pot will only be available in about 150 stores, all operated by that province's liquor control board.

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5CN BC: Editorial: Rules On Pot Become ClearerThu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/07/2017

The picture of legal marijuana in B.C. got a little clearer this week, as the provincial government released some of its planned regulations.

While some decisions have yet to be made - or made public - three important ones are in place: minimum age, wholesale distribution and retail policy.

The government has wisely set the minimum age for cannabis at 19. That's the same as for alcohol and tobacco, and matches the age of majority in B.C. Having different ages for different vices would confuse everyone, and regulators have to keep in mind the studies that say cannabis has a harmful effect on the developing brains of teenagers.

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6 CN BC: B.C. Liquor Branch To Distribute Non-Medical MarijuanaThu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Vancouver Courier (CN BC) Author:Howell, Mike Area:British Columbia Lines:91 Added:12/07/2017

New government rules set 19 as minimum age to buy marijuana

The provincial government announced Tuesday that the BC Liquor Distribution Branch will be the wholesale distributor of non-medical cannabis once the federal government legalizes marijuana in July 2018.

The policy move by the government is in addition to new rules that state buyers and consumers of recreational marijuana must be at least 19 years old, which is consistent with current laws related to alcohol and tobacco.

Mike Farnworth, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, spoke to reporters in a conference call but would not say specifically where consumers will be able to legally buy marijuana under the new rules.

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7 CN BC: PUB LTE: Legal Marijuana Will Make Canada SaferSat, 02 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Picton, Jarrod Area:British Columbia Lines:44 Added:12/06/2017

On July 1, 2018, marijuana is going to be legalized in Canada. However, there is no need to fear. In fact, Canadians should feel more at ease as July 1 approaches.

Legalization means many things for Canadians. Once a substance is legalized, it directly and aggressively hemorrhages revenue from the black market. When criminal organizations lose money, they lose power. When they lose power, they lose their ability to negatively affect society.

This will be akin to what occurred when prohibition ceased in the United States. All these criminal organizations lost their power and wealth once alcohol was relegalized. Legalization, in turn, made society at large safer and more hospitable.

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8CN BC: You'll Need To Be 19 To Buy Pot In B.C.Wed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Kines, Lindsay Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

Liquor branch will be sole distributor, retail system to be unveiled

British Columbians will have to be at least 19 years of age to buy and use marijuanaonce the federal government legalizes recreational pot in the summer.

B.C. Solicitor General Mike Farnworth announced the minimum age limit Tuesday in releasing a series of policy decisions on the regulation of non-medicinal marijuana.

He said the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch will be the wholesale distributor of marijuana in the province.

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9CN BC: Column: One-Stop Booze And Dope ShoppingWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Leyne, Les Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

There was a captivating point made during the consultations on how recreational marijuana should be retailed in B.C. once it's legal next July.

The B.C. Government Employees Union and an association of private liquor stores are both keenly interested in shunting all those dispensaries off to the sidelines and snagging monopoly rights to sell marijuana. The union wants the jobs, and the association wants the business. They made their pitch to government under the banner of the "Responsible Marijuana Retail Alliance of B.C."

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10 CN BC: B.C. Pot Rules Headed In Right Direction: MorrisWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Prince George Citizen (CN BC) Author:Williams, Arthur Area:British Columbia Lines:118 Added:12/06/2017

Prince George-Mackenzie MLA Mike Morris said the provincial government has made a good first step on regulating recreational marijuana use, but the issue is complex and a lot of work remains to be done.

On Tuesday, the NDP government unveiled plans which will set the minimum age for marijuana use at 19, see recreational marijuana distributed through the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch and pledged to develop a retail model with both public and private sellers (see related story).

"I'm glad to see they've arranged for a point for the distribution," Morris said. "There needs to be strict controls who whoever grows it. They need to control the quality... and the THC content of the drug. Public health is one of the big concerns we had."

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11CN BC: Public, Private Outlets To Sell PotWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Chan, Cheryl Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

Plans unveiled: Province announces legal age for buying recreational marijuana to be set at 19

Recreational marijuana will be available for sale at private and public retail outlets to people age 19 and older once the drug becomes legal next year, said the B.C. government.

With legalization looming in July 2018, Solicitor-General Mike Farnworth unveiled details Tuesday on how B.C. plans to deal with the distribution and sale of non-medical pot - a move that would require amending or introducing 18 bills in the legislature.

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12 CN BC: Hybrid Model For Pot Sales Welcomed By Private ShopWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Daily Courier, The (CN BC) Author:Seymour, Ron Area:British Columbia Lines:97 Added:12/06/2017

B.C. decides marijuana will be sold in both gov't and privately owned outlets

The B.C. government's decision that the private sector can have a role in the sale of marijuana next year comes as expected but still welcome news to Rob Lindsay.

Lindsay, spokesman for one of the existing Kelowna pot shops, said he was "thrilled" with Victoria's announcement Tuesday that the retailing of marijuana will be accomplished through a mix of government-controlled and privately owned outlets.

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13 CN BC: Minimum Age For Buying Cannabis In B.C. To Be 19Wed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Hager, Mike Area:British Columbia Lines:74 Added:12/06/2017

British Columbia will introduce a system of public and private retailers to sell recreational cannabis and set a minimum age of 19 to buy and use the drug when it is legal next year.

Solicitor-General Mike Farnworth released the NDP government's preliminary vision for legal cannabis on Tuesday after a consultation process that received nearly 50,000 submissions and sought input from First Nations and local governments.

However, the precise details of how those public and private sales will be regulated won't be released until the end of next month, and Mr. Farnworth said the province is still determining whether the hundreds of people currently selling cannabis illegally through dispensaries will be allowed to enter the new market.

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14CN BC: B.C. To Allow Private And Public Sale Of RecreationalWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Chan, Cheryl Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/06/2017

Legal age set at 19, but no word on pot being sold in liquor stores, pharmacies

Recreational marijuana will be available for sale at private and public retail outlets to people age 19 and older once the drug becomes legal next year, said the B.C. government.

With legalization looming in July 2018, solicitor general Mike Farnworth unveiled details Tuesday on how B.C. plans to deal with the distribution and sale of non-medical pot - a move that would require amending or introducing 18 bills in the legislature.

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15 CN BC: Nelson Fentanyl Task Force Hosts Provincial ExpertWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Nelson Star (CN BC) Author:Sherman, Jake Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:12/06/2017

The fentanyl epidemic is a social crisis, not a medical one according to Dr. Mark Tyndall, who spoke last week at an event organized by Nelson's Fentanyl Task Force.

Tyndall is a provincial expert on the opioid overdose crisis who brings a background in the study of disease in controlled populations to his work crafting policy for the provincial government at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.

Speaking to about 100 local residents at the Prestige Lakeside Resort last Thursday, he argued that the opioid overdose epidemic has been amplified by the way in which drug policy has been enforced across the province.

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16 CN BC: City To Place Moratorium On Recreational Pot BusinessesWed, 06 Dec 2017
Source:Nelson Star (CN BC) Author:Metcalfe, Bill Area:British Columbia Lines:115 Added:12/06/2017

Council also, planning public consultation on new cannabis rules

Nelson council will place a moratorium on the opening of recreational cannabis retail businesses in Nelson until July 2018. At its Monday meeting, council made this commitment in anticipation of as-yet-unknown provincial and federal rules about recreational marijuana cultivation and sales.

Council also decided to set up a process in January and February to ask the public what it thinks about recreational cannabis businesses in Nelson.

"Do you want recreational cannabis dispensaries, where might they be, how many, what should the bylaws include in terms of consumption? And we want to hear from a broad spectrum of the community," Mayor Deb Kozak said.

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17CN BC: B.C. Emergency Response Centre With Island Link To BattleSat, 02 Dec 2017
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Kines, Lindsay Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:12/02/2017

The B.C. government stepped up its fight against the growing number of drug overdose deaths Friday with the launch of a new emergency response centre that will link to regional and community action teams on Vancouver Island and elsewhere.

The emergency centre will have about 10 full- and part-time staff based at Vancouver General Hospital and backed by a team of experts.

The centre will analyze data, spot trends and work with new regional teams at Island Health and the other four health authorities to improve front-line services.

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18 CN BC: As Overdoses Mount, Prompt Warnings Are CrucialSat, 02 Dec 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Woo, Andrea Area:British Columbia Lines:163 Added:12/02/2017

Lessons are still being digested after a lethal batch of opioids in October put emergency workers to the test

The first warning came mid-afternoon on a Thursday in late October, from a client at a downtown Victoria HIV/AIDS and harm-reduction facility.

It was the day after "cheque day," when social-assistance payments are issued in B.C. - a period linked to an increase in overdoses and other related harms. But even with that factored in, front-line workers were getting the sense that things were worse than usual.

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19 CN BC: Pot Dispensary Suing City Claims Not-For-Profit StatusFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Abbotsford News (CN BC) Author:Gawley, Kelvin Area:British Columbia Lines:65 Added:12/01/2017

Motacan Compassion Society is exempt from business licence requirement, operator argues

A medical marijuana dispensary is suing the City of Abbotsford in an effort to remain open and avoid paying thousands of dollars in tickets.

Motacan Compassion Society, which operates a storefront location in an alley off Montrose Avenue in downtown Abbotsford, says it is exempt from bylaws requiring a business licence due to its not-for-profit society status.

In a petition filed last week in B.C. Supreme Court, "principal operator" David Smith claims Motacan is a registered society that provides "reasonable access to medical cannabis to members of the society on a highly subsidized basis."

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20 CN BC: Pot Battle Heads To The CourtsFri, 01 Dec 2017
Source:Kelowna Capital News (CN BC) Author:Michaels, Kathy Area:British Columbia Lines:53 Added:12/01/2017

West Kelowna is the latest B.C. city to petition the court to stop cannabis dispensaries from doing business.

The city is alleging that the Black Crow Herbals Association, Okanagan Cannabis Solutions Society, Selina Lau, Ralph Krehbiel and Matthew Nicholas are operating without business licenses and it is petitioning the court for an order to stop them from continuing to do so.

In the petition to the court, it says once the order is issued, the RCMP would be given the ability to arrest and remove any person who is contravening any provision of this order within the properties listed.

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