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1 CN PI: Editorial: Funding Needs Followup FacilityWed, 13 Aug 2008
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:64 Added:08/14/2008

It's a step in the right direction, but is it really enough? Tuesday, federal Justice Minister and Attorney General Rob Nicholson announced more than $300,000 over three years would be allocated to improve addiction support programs and services for youth in conflict with the law.

The funding will be go to the Community and Correctional Services division of the Office of the Attorney General and used to implement the P.E.I. Youth Substance Use and Addiction Strategy.

Referral and assessment procedures, as well as post-treatment relapse prevention programs, will be developed for the addicted who are in trouble with the law.

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2 CN PI: George Chuvalo's Drug Abuse Message Still Hitting HomeFri, 30 May 2008
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:McCarthy, Eric Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:64 Added:06/01/2008

ELMSDALE - As he signs autographs for students following his presentation at Westisle composite high, George Chuvalo asks questions: How are you doing in school? Do you get along with your Mom?

Here is this tough-as-nails former Canadian heavyweight boxing champion who has just poured out his life story to more than 700 students, chatting with teenagers as if they are close relatives.

There's George Chuvalo who was never knocked off his feet in the ring. It's told by video.

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3 CN PI: Chuvalo Man On A MissionWed, 28 May 2008
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Stewart, Dave Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:76 Added:05/30/2008

Former Canadian Heavyweight Boxing Champion Lost Three Sons, Wife, As A Result Of Substance Abuse

It still tears George Chuvalo up to talk about the tragedy that his filled his life.

The former Canadian heavyweight boxing champion - he carried that title from 1958 to 1979 - was at Bluefield High School Tuesday to talk to students.

Since 1996, Chuvalo speaks to students, parents and other groups about drugs and how they have impacted his life. He lost three sons and a wife as a result of substance abuse.

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4 CN PI: Public INvited To Discuss Youth Addictions StrategyMon, 17 Dec 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:43 Added:12/18/2007

Three evenings of public consultation are scheduled across P.E.I. this week to discuss the draft P.E.I. Youth Substance Use and Addictions Strategy.

The P.E.I. Department of Health has been working closely with a number of government agencies and the public over the past year to research and prepare the report.

The draft strategy is now available online for Islanders to review. This week's meetings begin tonight and continue Tuesday and Wednesday.

Health Minister Doug Currie says finding a long-term solution for Island youth struggling with addictions is a top priority for government.

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5 CN PI: Kingpin In Drugs Gets Over Five YearsTue, 17 Jul 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:71 Added:07/19/2007

A 42-year-old Charlottetown man described by police as a key figure in an operation that imported large quantities of cocaine and other drugs into P.E.I. from Nova Scotia for sale by a network of street-level dealers has been sentenced to over five years in a federal correctional facility.

Derreck Dean Huggan was sentenced Tuesday in provincial court to serve 6 1/2 years behind bars for conspiracy to traffic in cocaine.

Provincial Court Judge Nancy Orr sentenced Huggan to a further 6 1/2 years for conspiracy to traffic in the painkiller Hydromorphone.

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6 CN PI: Drug Raids Take Big Jump In 2007 In Prince CountyWed, 04 Jul 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Brown, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:66 Added:07/07/2007

SUMMERSIDE -- Drug raids are up considerably this year in Prince County thanks to the addition of a new officer to the Prince County Joint Forces Operation drug unit.

That extra position was funded by the provincial government, said East Prince RCMP Cst. Scott Lundrigan and a member of the JFO.

The unit has expanded from two officers, to three, and so have searches.

The number of drug raids more than doubled from 11 as of July 2, 2006 to 26 by July 2 of this year, said Lundrigan.

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7 CN PI: Students Urged To Dial Tip Line In Effort To Curb Crime In Their SchoolsTue, 22 May 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Day, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:101 Added:05/27/2007

Crime Stoppers provincial co-ordinator Paul Stetson says anonymous calls could also help turn around lives of wayward peers in junior and senior high schools.

Prince Edward Island students are being urged to pick up the phone to help curb crime in their schools.

Paul Stetson, provincial co-ordinator for P.E.I. Crime Stoppers, wants to see this tipster vehicle have a strong presence in Island high schools and junior highs.

"What we want to see from those (schools) is they keep the programs out and running in front of the new students as they come in,'' he said of active Crime Stoppers school chapters.

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8 CN PI: PUB LTE: Anti-Drug Strategy Is Best AvoidedTue, 15 May 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:42 Added:05/19/2007


Your May 6 editorial made the common mistake of confusing drug-related crime with prohibition-related crime.

Attempts to limit the supply of illegal drugs while demand remains constant only increase the profitability of drug trafficking. For addictive drugs like heroin, a spike in street prices leads desperate addicts to increase criminal activity to feed desperate habits. The drug war doesn't fight crime, it fuels crime.

The good news is that Canada has already adopted many of the common sense harm reduction interventions first pioneered in Europe. The bad news is that Canada's southern neighbour continues to use its superpower status to export a dangerous moral crusade around the globe. The United States provides tragic examples of anti-drug strategies that are best avoided.

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9 CN PI: Editorial: Police Can't Solve Drug Problem AloneSun, 06 May 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:65 Added:05/11/2007

First the good news: Police are continuing their crackdown on illegal drugs. Police conducted more raids last week, seized drugs and laid charges.

The charges, of course, still have to go before the court and the persons charged may or may not be found guilty.

Now the bad news: Even if those charged are found guilty and sentenced to prison, there will be new dealers taking up the trade.

And why? Because of greed or desperation.

Greed -- they want money and they don't care where it comes from as long as it makes it into their pockets.

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10 CN PI: Lte: Addiction Treatment Facility Or White Elephant?Tue, 01 May 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Gallant, Vincent Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:81 Added:05/02/2007


I applaud the Provincial Government for the announcement of a youth treatment facility here on P.E.I., but how is it going to be structured for recovering for addicts?

Is it going to be staffed with a phycologics, counccelors, addictions specialist and all the people than can tell the addict what wrong with them or are they going to get addicts that are clean, getting on with their life to show them that there is light at the end of that awful tunnel of addiction.

[continues 430 words]

11 CN PI: Editorial: The Compassion Goes Up In SmokeTue, 17 Apr 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:76 Added:04/18/2007

Are pot dealers more compassionate than the federal government? Judge for yourself. According to recent media reports Ottawa is charging people approved for medical marijuana 15 times more than what it pays its own supplier, a company that grows the crop at the bottom of an abandoned Flin Flon, Man., underground mine.

Guess who is getting the shaft?

You have to wonder how your average neighbourhood dealer, facing much thinner margins, can still earn enough from bulk sales to stay on good terms with the local Mercedes or BMW dealership.

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12 CN PI: Treasurer Budgets For Youth Addictions TreatmentWed, 11 Apr 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:72 Added:04/11/2007

Funding Also Going To Methadone Treatment, RCMP Street-Level Crime Unit

The province is putting almost $1.4 million into getting illegal drugs off the streets and helping those battling drug addictions.

In his budget Tuesday, Provincial Treasurer Mitch Murphy allocated $1 million to establish a youth addiction treatment facility and develop a youth addictions strategy.

An additional $150,000 is going to the methadone maintenance treatment program and $212,000 to aid the RCMP's street-level crime unit.

"It is a total program," said Health Minister Chester Gillan of the concerted effort by his and the Attorney General's departments to address addictions from the ground up.

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13 CN PI: Province Targets Drug ProblemsWed, 11 Apr 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:78 Added:04/11/2007

Addiction Treatment Facility, Beefed-Up Policing And Methadone Program

CHARLOTTETOWN - The Province is pumping almost $1.4 million to get illegal drugs off the streets and help those battling drug addictions.

In the budget Tuesday, Provincial Treasurer Mitch Murphy allocated $1 million to establish a youth addiction treatment facility and develop a youth addictions strategy.

An additional $150,000 is going to the methadone maintenance treatment program and $212,000 will aid the RCMP's street-level crime unit.

"It is a total program," said Health Minister Chester Gillan of the concerted effort by his and the Attorney General's department to address addictions from the ground up.

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14 CN PI: Edu: New Date Rape Educational Campaign A SuccessWed, 28 Mar 2007
Source:UPEI Cadre, The (CN PI Edu) Author:Lassaline, Beth Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:89 Added:04/01/2007

Three years ago the P.E.I. liquor commission initiated funding for a new initiative that targeted the date rape drug.

The Posters and Coasters campaign was the result of many prominent local organizations collaborating to create a new and informative campaign that directly targeted young people.

The operation's primary goal was to raise awareness about date rape drugs, as well as to promote responsible drinking habits.

Wendy Adams, a police officer at UPEI, has been involved with the project since its conception. "We are pleased to be part of it here at UPEI. Anytime that our department has the opportunity to go out and speak we always promote this campaign."

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15 CN PI: LTE: Break-ins Hint At A Darker IssueThu, 29 Mar 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Arsenault, J Blair Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:49 Added:03/30/2007


The huge number of break-and-enters in and around Summerside, and everywhere else on P.E.I., is, I am assuming, largely drug inspired. Children (most of those apprehended are minors) usually don't break into homes and businesses in the early hours of the morning without a drug-fueled urgency.

My guess is that they've been deliberately addicted to drugs and debased into desperate little criminals, who nightly prowl the streets for whatever they can steal in the service of their pimps. Is there a crime darker than that?

[continues 187 words]

16 CN PI: LTE: Proud To Be At 'The Gray'Fri, 16 Mar 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Bradley, Mary Beth Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:52 Added:03/16/2007


As an educator at Colonel Gray high school, I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Martin Ronald Arsenault's letter, 'Bad language isn't the only problem' (The Guardian, March 3, 2007).

To begin with, we here at Colonel Gray are making every effort to curb profanity with our newly implemented profanity policy; however, a certain burden of responsibility for proper conduct and manners also lies within our students' homes. I fail to see the connection between the recently released movie, The Departed, and the increase in profanity among our youth. Many movies contain profanity, but that does not mean our youth go out and mimic the behaviour.

[continues 186 words]

17 CN PI: PUB LTE: More Harm Than Progress In Drug WarsMon, 05 Mar 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:44 Added:03/06/2007


Regarding your Feb. 13 editorial (Being aware of the illegal drug problem), cracking down on illegal drugs is easier said than done.

Attempts to limit the supply of illegal drugs while demand remains constant only increase the profitability of drug trafficking. For addictive drugs like heroin, a spike in street prices leads desperate addicts to increase criminal activity to feed desperate habits. The drug war doesn't fight crime, it fuels crime.

The good news is that Canada has already adopted many of the common sense harm reduction interventions first pioneered in Europe. The bad news is that Canada's southern neighbour continues to use its superpower status to export a dangerous moral crusade around the globe.

[continues 117 words]

18 CN PI: More Resources, Treatment Facility Needed To BattleWed, 28 Feb 2007
Source:West Prince Graphic (CN PI) Author:MacDonald, David Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:83 Added:03/03/2007

More resources and a long-term treatment facility on the Island to deal with addicted youth are what's needed. That's the word from participants at a consultation meeting held to discuss youth addiction strategy.

The meeting, held last week at Westisle High School, was the last in a series of meetings organized by the department of health across the province.

The meeting asked the question: "If youth addictions services in the province were to be improved and/or expanded, what would you recommend?"

[continues 462 words]

19 CN PI: What People Are Saying About DrugsWed, 21 Feb 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Mayne, Lori A. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:72 Added:02/22/2007

More than 40 people turned out at a public consultation held in Summerside on P.E.I.'s addiction services for youth. Here are some of their comments.

Bill Campbell, counsellor, said the P.E.I. system simply isn't working:

"I've had calls from as far away as Alberta on a Prince Edward Island youth. And the father going to go out there and wondering what he could do because his son's going to die. I said, 'Find something in Alberta. If you're interested in his life, don't take him to Prince Edward Island.'"

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20 CN PI: Where Do You Turn?Wed, 21 Feb 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Mayne, Lori A. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:73 Added:02/22/2007

Getting help for drug addiction is never easy and where teens are involved, families face even more obstacles.

A grandson in trouble with the law, struggling with an addiction. A Summerside woman said it took her 10 calls and 15 people to get him help. And she'd been through the system before - since one of her children battled addiction too.

"It is certainly an effect that I don't wish on anybody," said the woman, who tried to help her grandson when frustrated parents didn't know where to turn. "It's hell for the person that's using, but it's also hell for the parents who find it very, very, very difficult to find help. What phone number do they call? What office do they call?"

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