In your article published on Feb. 16th, 2004, Stan White wrote: "Wanting to use cannabis (kaneh bosm) is a natural intrinsic response within the brain that is a blessing from Christ God Our Father. Humans are created with something similar to cannabinoid receptor sites in our brain, waiting for THC to bind to, that do nothing else. Who do you think put those there?" Stan... truth and politics are two different things. Rome persecuted Christians. Germany persecuted Jews. Washington D.C. persecutes potheads ... over seven hundred thousand last year. It seems to me that every society through history needs a scapegoat/excuse for their woes. Putting potheads in a cage is merely the latest fad that will prove to be a smudge on the humanity of human history. Jim Hiigel Hermiston, Oregon [end]
Greetings from Oregon! About 28 years ago, Oregon was the first U.S. state to decriminalize cannabis. We actually still exist. The crime rate didn't increase. Drug use didn't increase. The only things that changed were that people didn't go to prison for using pot, were not burdened with a felony police record, and the courts found time to prosecute "real" criminals. Jim Hiigel Hermiston, Ore. (Sounds like a bit of an anti-climax) [end]