To the Editor: It's against my constitutional rights not being able to use marijuana if I want to as a pain medicine, without fear of getting my door kicked in by law enforcement. Is this war on drugs working? Did prohibition work? It led to gang violence and murder then, and it does now. Will our state representatives please let us know where they stand on medicinal cannabis? In the latest polls, 50 percent of Americans say they want to see cannabis legalized outright. [continues 84 words]
To the Editor: "Hemp For Victory" was a short educational film, put out by the Department Of Agriculture in 1942 to strengthen the war effort. This encouraged farmers to grow as much hemp as possible. This plant has so many uses and is very strong. If they were to make a film today about the benefits of hemp/cannabis, the list would go on. When this plant is grown properly, it also can be used for medicine in a variety of ways. Many states already have accepted cannabis as a medicine, and the number of compassionate states is growing. Would you show compassion today and take a few moments of your time to call your state representative and let them know that you support House Bill 30? This bill will help those who are sick to enjoy a better quality of life. Bobby Day Huntley [end]
To the Editor: I just finished writing a letter to our state representative, Mike Tryon. We have talked several times about medical cannabis. When your close family members are sick, you will do anything to give them comfort. Have compassion, Illinois. Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Ativan and other medications I must take now for pain are going to make me die a young man. Yes, to House Bill 30. Anything to give them comfort. Call your representative today and tell them to vote yes on HB30. Bobby Day Huntley [end]
From cancer victims to the person who lives with severe chronic pain, the words "pain and suffering " remind us of some distress that we lived with or through. Someone you might know is living in pain right now. Taking many medications that have numerous terrible side effects, some of which could cause death, just trying to ease the pain. There are times that the prescribed medicine is being stretched out because the cost is so high a patient cannot afford to take as prescribed. [continues 132 words]