JACKSON - A new women's transitional center opening Friday in East Jackson could make a big difference for alcohol- and drug-addicted women trying to turn their lives around and make it on their own. The Jackson Area Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency off East Chester Street will open a two-floor, 1,300-square-foot Women's Transitional Home to serve as a link from recovery to independence and self-reliance. The center is just east of JACOA's main building and will complement Montgomery Hall, the agency's men's transitional center. [continues 332 words]
Center To Help Women Addicts A new transitional center opening this spring in East Jackson could make a big difference in providing alcohol-addicted women the resources to make it on their own. The Jackson Area Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency off East Chester Street is renovating a facility to include a two-floor, 1,300-square-foot women's transitional center. JACOA officials and staff hope the center will be a link from recovery to self-reliance. Homeless addicted women make up one of the most marginalized and impoverished groups in the nation, and substance abuse is one of the most common problems affecting women, said Douglass Harr, executive director. [continues 273 words]
About 200 area social workers took a close look at an unfamiliar world Thursday when they came face-to-face with two of Tennessee's growing problems: methamphetamine and the latest drug-induced youth culture called "raves." Cpl. Rebecca Agee, with the Tennessee National Guard's Counterdrug Division, presented the three-hour training session at the West Tennessee Agricultural Research Center off Airways Boulevard. The session was part of an ongoing educational forum for members of the Tennessee Conference on Social Welfare to help social workers better deal with "at risk" members of the community. [continues 495 words]