Police officers have been on the front lines of the "War on Drugs" in this country for more than 30 years. Now some of them are saying the war is not working and are calling for an end to the drug war through the legalization and regulation of all drugs. A group of former police officers who decided they did not believe the drug war was the best way to control drugs in 2002 founded Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). They began delivering their message and gathering members across the country. Representatives will address Rotary and Lions clubs in Connecticut over the next two months. [continues 770 words]
To the Editor: May I respond to your photo forum, May 2, which asks, "Should marijuana be legalized and dispensed for medical use?" Dispensing marijuana by physician's approval and government distribution wouldn't be legalizing it. It would be "regulating" it, just like the pill, Marinol, the synthesized version of cannabinoid Delta 9 THC, found in the marijuana plant. The federal government forbids research, especially research that shows positive effects from the use of marijuana. The public is only informed of negative research. [continues 53 words]