Addis Tribune _Ethiopia_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Ethiopia: CIA Categorizes Ethiopia As Illicit Drugs Transit HubFri, 23 May 2003
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia)          Area:Ethiopia Lines:46 Added:05/29/2003

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) country fact book described Ethiopia as a "transit hub" for heroin originating in Southeast Asia and destined for Europe and North America.

The latest country fact book updated last March stated that Ethiopia also served as a center for cocaine destined for markets in southern Africa, cultivates qat (khat) for local use and regional export "principally to Djibouti and Somalia (legal in all three countries)."

The CIA fact book, which is produced by the CIA directorate of intelligence and is "a comprehensive resource of facts and statistics" on more than 250 countries and entities, also said that lack of a well-developed financial system in Ethiopia limited the country's utility as a money-laundering center.

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2 Ethiopia: Column: Understanding The Regulation Of KhatFri, 09 May 2003
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia) Author:Woldemichael, Worku A. Area:Ethiopia Lines:105 Added:05/12/2003

Khat (Catha edulis Forsk), or chat in Amharic, has been cultivated and used for centuries by the indigenous people in Ethiopia and the surrounding countries, including Somalia, Eritrea, Kenya and Yemen. Fresh leaves of khat are chewed primarily to attain a state of stimulation and euphoria. For the majority of these people, the use of khat is an established cultural tradition for a variety of social situations. In these countries, the consumption and trading of khat are legal in most cases.

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3 Ethiopia: LTE: Not Illegal in BritainFri, 09 May 2003
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia) Author:Woldemichael, Worku A. Area:Ethiopia Lines:22 Added:05/12/2003

Sir -- I have read an article titled "Fair trade farmers in Ethiopia" by an anonymous author. Referring to khat, it has been implied that the use of the herb in Britain is illegal. This is not true. Khat in Britain is not yet covered under the Misuse of Drugs Act and thus its possession and supply is perfectly legal. Consequently, khat is imported to Britain and sold opely by greengrocers, specialist health food shops and "head shops". Please don't scare those heavy consumers from your neighbourhood.

Worku A. Woldemichael


4 Ethiopia: Column: The Ignored ChallengeFri, 02 May 2003
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia) Author:Birku, Dimetros Area:Ethiopia Lines:136 Added:05/04/2003

Many, especialy those who are addicted to 'Chiat', condone the practice as a source of enjoyment and they never admit the fact that the practice is harmful, to the individual, the family and the nation as well. But I do harbour the view that there is no question about it - "chiat" is harmful. The fact that the addiction does not kill like HIV/AIDS does not mean that it is not harmful.

Putting aside the question whether "chiat" is harmful or not for the time being, let us talk of the points which are agreeable to everybody in the Ethiopian context.

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5 UN Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit TraffickingFri, 03 Jul 1998
Source:Addis Tribune (Ethiopia)                 Lines:35 Added:07/03/1998

The United Nations on June 26, 1998 observed the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

Secretary General Kofi Annan, in a message he delivered commemorating the occasion said, "This year, the theme for international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking is a call to unite the world's youth. As we work towards the United Nations goal of creating a drug-free world in the twenty-first century, it is young people who hold the key."

Mr. Pino Arlacchi, Executive Director of the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) also delivered a message in connection with the Day.

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