The Kearney Hub _NE_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US NE: PUB LTE: Lang's Concerns Are SillySat, 28 Aug 1999
Source:The Kearney Hub (NE) Author:Sobey, Arthur Area:Nebraska Lines:44 Added:08/28/1999

Dear Editor,

While it is true that alcohol is our country's most problematic recreational drug, those who make their living in the legal recreational drug business deserve to be treated the same as any other legitimate businesspeople.

Trevor Schaben, the owner of Thunderhead Brewing in Kearney, should take his highly successful microbrewery to a town more in need of good beer, more jobs, and an expanded tax base.

City planner Lance Lang's reasons for concern are rather silly. Citing a concern like underage drinking as a reason to deny Schaben his permit, is like denying the city a permit to build a new airport because a plane might crash there sometime in the future.

[continues 101 words]

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