Kriener, Manfred 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Germany: The Walls Are CrumblingThu, 25 Jun 1998
Source:Die Tageszeitung Author:Kriener, Manfred Area:Germany Lines:105 Added:06/25/1998

Traditional drug policy has failed. I believe we change the trend by prescribing heroin." This is not a legalise-it-disciple or a member of the Green party speaking, it is the police chief of the city of Bielefeld, Horst Kruse. Along with police chiefs and high-ranking medical officials, even conservative politicians nowadays demand a change in drug policy. A stock-taking on the occasion of today's German action day on drug policy.

"And it does move, after all. Drug policy in Germany is currently loosening itself from a concrete and heavy inflexibility that lasted decades. The ideological walls are not yet broken, but they begin to crumble everywhere. The confession of faith that drug addicts could be cured with the forces of police and justice loses more and more of its faithful.

[continues 763 words]

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