Lewis, Christopher 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: Sacrament Or Sacrilege?Sun, 27 Aug 2000
Source:Record, The (CA) Author:Lewis, Christopher Area:California Lines:304 Added:08/27/2000

Marijuana Ministry Pits Church Against Law

WALLACE -- For members of Northern Lights Church in Calaveras County, the already hazy lines between religion, medicine and politics intersected at minister Sue Garner's front door at 9 a.m. Aug. 2.

Garner found herself lying face first on the front porch in a T-shirt and underwear as masked sheriff's deputies pointed guns at her head, she said.

Along with her husband, minister Rick Garner, and their 15-year-old son, Garner said she was handcuffed and marched past a screened-in sanctuary in the yard, where deputies were destroying almost 300 potted marijuana plants.

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