Slaght, Shawn 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN SN: Info Session Discusses Use, Dangers Of MethWed, 20 Sep 2006
Source:Weyburn Review (CN SN) Author:Slaght, Shawn Area:Saskatchewan Lines:149 Added:09/22/2006

Former police officer Rick Watson was in Weyburn on Thursday to talk about how to identify clandestine labs and users of crystal meth.

Watson is a 31-year police veteran, who began with the RCMP and retired as a detective sergeant from the Regina Police Service. His presentation focused on educating the public about what meth labs are and who uses the drug.

"The more you know about the stuff, the more you know how to handle it," Watson said.

Watson began the session by talking about what methamphetamine is. Meth was invented in 1919 and, during World War II, 72 million doses of the drug were issued to both allied and Nazi soldiers.

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