Cooper, Alex 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: Interest Exists To Grow Medical Pot Around NakuspThu, 20 Feb 2014
Source:Arrow Lakes News (CN BC) Author:Cooper, Alex Area:British Columbia Lines:114 Added:02/22/2014

Paul Peterson has some words of advice for anyone looking to establish a legal medical marijuana facility in the area - don't bother.

"In my humble opinion, they're all wasting their time," said the Area K director. "What I've seen in the federal government is they're looking for huge corporate interest in growing pot, not some little guy."

He told the Arrow Lakes News that about five people have asked him about establishing a facility. "I hope I talked most of them out of it, not putting too much money into it."

[continues 672 words]

2 CN BC: Substance Use Strategy In The WorksWed, 18 Nov 2009
Source:Revelstoke Times Review (CN BC) Author:Cooper, Alex Area:British Columbia Lines:99 Added:11/17/2009

Seventy-eight per cent of high school students in Revelstoke have drunk alcohol, while 37 per cent have tried smoking.

Those are the preliminary results of a Youth Drug Survey of Revelstoke Secondary School students conducted last month as part of the Revelstoke Community Substance Use Strategy.

"The statistics actually show that in terms of substance misuse we're really not any worse off than any other community," said Jill Zacharias, the city's social development coordinator and leader of the substance use strategy. "By doing the substance use strategy we're not pointing any fingers. We're not saying, 'Oh my god! Revelstoke is becoming a place of evil debauchery.' We're not saying anything like that. We're just looking at our overall community health and what we can do better to support people in the community and just offer the young people options."

[continues 517 words]

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