When it comes time for your monthly uterine massacre, you bet Mary Jane has your back-and anywhere else that aches whilst surfing the crimson wave. Here are the cannabis products that my co-workers and partner can thank for not being murdered by me once every three weeks. 1 Arthritis balm from Cannalife Botanicals Ever heard of our bodies' endocannabinoid system? It regulates mood, memory, appetite, pain and inflammation, while co-piloting the immune, reproductive, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. The 100-plus chemical compounds cannabis is made up of (like psychoactive THC, and CBD which helps with pain) fit into different endocannabinoid system cell receptors like brokenhearted BFF lockets. [continues 517 words]
A smoking syllabus to becoming the most productive pothead on campus. Harvard studies suggest cannabis enhances cognitive function. German studies conclude micro-dosing weed is an effective ADHD treatment. And with Canada's impending marijuana legalization, the "lazy stoner" stereotype is washing away, making room for the high-functioning user to spark up. Carefully chosen MMJ strains, dosage and smoke methods just might be your path to becoming most productive pothead on campus. Pre-class anxiety? Live every week like it's shark week with Great White Shark: This stimulating sativa offers an energizing high that melts away the anxiety in a room full of tutorial strangers. Great White's plant parents obliterate depression, stress and pain, so you can stay relaxed yet inspired while scoring full participation marks. Ren, a second-year NSCAD student with a nervous tummy, attributes her stellar grades to this potent strain. [continues 479 words]