Protest Staged Tuesday Aldershot residents remain fearful that a pain management clinic offering methadone treatments will attract dangerous drug addicts and traffickers - despite assurances from the owner that it won't. Anywhere else but here, a crowd of about 150 Aldershot residents repeatedly drummed into Peggi DeGroote's ears on Saturday afternoon during a public information meeting held at East Plains Church. They want her to break the 10- year-lease she signed to establish a practice at 444 Plains Rd. E. The clinic, called Wellbeings, is slated to open in late October. [continues 560 words]
B.C. Man Brings Powerful Message To Educators, Police, Health-Care Workers A police officer and politician are doing more than just thinking about the powerful presentation last Friday (Sept. 7) by Mark McLaughlin, president of the Crystal Meth Society of British Columbia. McLaughlin's information set Oakville Ward 1 Councillor Ralph Robinson on a mission to put in place a bylaw that allows a municipality to shut down suspected clandestine labs. Halton drug enforcement officer Det.-Sgt. Robert Waller assured McLaughlin he would look into testing future drug seizures for crystal meth content. (It's an inexpensive filler sometimes used to bulk up other drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine and marijuana). [continues 513 words]