Whitcomb, Janet 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US CA: Medical Marijuana Meeting In Laguna Woods Draws More ThanWed, 15 Jul 2009
Source:Orange County Register, The (CA) Author:Whitcomb, Janet Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:07/16/2009

Laguna Woods For Medical Cannabis Sponsors The Meeting.

"This is an historic meeting," began Laguna Woods resident Dr. Bill Schwied to a growing crowd in the Community Center's Elm Room Friday, July 10 for "A Discussion on Medical Cannabis." "We're in our 70s, 80s, 90s. We're trying to fill medical needs with whatever will help we can get."

Minutes earlier United Director Gail McNulty had introduced Schwied to a group of about 30 for the meeting sponsored by the group, Laguna Woods for Medical Cannabis. Now she was setting up more chairs as more people continued to stream in and Dr. Schwied struggled to make himself heard. As the throng grew a decision was made to transfer to the nearby Board Room. By the time the meeting reconvened—a sign posted near the Elm Room's entrance announcing "Mary Jane" had moved—more than 70 people were present.

[continues 249 words]

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