Editor, The Sun: Years ago, we tried to stop people from drinking alcohol and finally gave up. Lately, we have been trying to stop people from using marijuana and it looks like a losing battle again. Why don't we stop people from smoking tobacco as this product is killing more people than marijuana? This would also be a losing battle. When are we ever going to quit getting involved in loosing battles? If alcohol and tobacco are legal, then why not legalize marijuana and let all of the people out of jail and prison who are there for using it. Our farmers could raise the stuff and pay taxes on the sale. Stores could sell it and pay taxes on their sales. Those who have to have it would be able to buy it at a reasonable price and wouldn't have to hold up a store to get the money to buy it. We also could lay off most of the enforcers who are after the people who are now using it. If we don't do something other than what we are doing now, eventually half of our young people will be locked up in jail or prison. Yuma [end]