Harris, Bill 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US MI: PUB LTE: Let There Be PlantWed, 13 Nov 2013
Source:Detroit News (MI) Author:Harris, Bill Area:Michigan Lines:22 Added:11/14/2013

Re: Mark Osler's Nov. 8 column, "Drug policy: Moral crusade or business problem?": Mr.. Osler does not understand that molecules are not the cause of the problem, prohibition is the cause of the problem. The solution is not to try to get rid of the molecules, the solution is to get rid of prohibition and restore liberty to grow God-given plants in one's own home and yard.

Bill Harris, Austin, Texas


2 CN ON: PUB LTE: Tokin' GestureWed, 27 May 2009
Source:NOW Magazine (CN ON) Author:Harris, Bill Area:Ontario Lines:28 Added:05/28/2009

I agree with your 10 reasons why we need to decriminalize drugs. Here in the U.S., Madam Secretary Hillary Clinton need not travel to Tibet to find a minority subculture stripped of human rights. If we are all about spreading liberty abroad, then why mix the message at home?

Each bust piles on new costs. The policy on the number-one cash crop is eradication. But money to frustrate enforcement grows on trees.

Freedom of speech presupposes freedom of thought. How and when did government usurp this power to coerce conformity?

Bill Harris

Austin, Texas


3 CN ON: Weeds Has Grown On Our TV Critic Sat, 29 Nov 2008
Source:Toronto Sun (CN ON) Author:Harris, Bill Area:Ontario Lines:85 Added:11/30/2008

Season 4 finale airs Sunday on Showtime

It's funny to recall how controversial Weeds was when it debuted in 2005.

Times can change right before our eyes and we don't even notice.

The thought of a marijuana-dealing suburban widow with two kids, played by Mary-Louise Parker, outraged certain moral-watchdog groups. At the very least, even if you weren't among the appalled, most people considered the subject matter to be cutting-edge, so to speak.

Could a highly stylized story-line like this sustain itself for very long?

[continues 447 words]

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