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1 US CA: As Blacks Targeted for Pot, NAACP Throws Support toWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:East Bay Express (CA) Author:Downs, David Area:California Lines:76 Added:07/01/2010

The NAACP's endorsement Monday of the tax and regulate cannabis initiative in California, now known as Prop. 19, stems from a bombshell of a report that details a statewide pattern of systematic "racism without racists" that targets black people for marijuana arrest. Heavily policing the 'hood puts black youths in cops' crosshairs, where a simple possession charge and $100 ticket starts a rap sheet that leads directly to increased arrest and loss of job opportunities and college financial aid, even though blacks use less marijuana than whites.

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2 US CA: Leaders Squabble Over Medical Marijuana, Yet AgainWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:Daily Sound (Santa Barbara, CA) Author:Lindberg, Eric Area:California Lines:70 Added:07/01/2010

Santa Barbara city leaders officially approved new regulations for medical marijuana dispensaries and agreed to place a measure on the November ballot that would ban pot shops, but not without heated bickering among those on the dais.

As they took the final step in a long and time-consuming process to reach a compromise on the controversial issue, members of the council reiterated oft-repeated arguments and sparred over ballot language.

"I would say it's erring on the side of being too restrictive," Councilmember Das Williams said of the new regulations.

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3 US MT: Lawmakers Go After Pot 'Tele-Clinics'Wed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:Helena Independent Record (MT) Author:McKee, Jennifer Area:Montana Lines:98 Added:07/01/2010

Montana's traveling cannabis caravans, responsible for signing up thousands of people for medical marijuana cards in the last year, will be a thing of the past if a group of lawmakers here gets its way.

A bipartisan panel spent most of Tuesday morning brainstorming changes to Montana's existing medical marijuana laws, taking particular aim at traveling clinics, which according to some, have exploited problems in Montana's law and made medical marijuana much more common.

Among its ideas: physicians who recommend marijuana for their patients must have an established practice in Montana, and they must have a face-to-face evaluation of a patient before issuing the person a medical marijuana recommendation.

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4 US CA: OPED: Taking the Next Step for CaliforniaThu, 01 Jul 2010
Source:New Times (San Luis Obispo, CA) Author:Ammiano, Tom Area:California Lines:114 Added:07/01/2010

We can set an example for the nation as we did on medical marijuana by passing the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 in November

What if California could raise hundreds of millions of dollars in new revenue to preserve vital state services without any tax increases? And what if at the same time, we could, without any new expense, help protect our endangered wilderness areas while making it harder for our kids to get drugs?

That is precisely what the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 initiative slated for the November ballot would do. This measure, building off the legislation I introduced last year, is the logical next step in California's and hopefully the nation's public policy towards marijuana.

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5 US MT: Bozeman Issues Proposed Medical Marijuana RulesWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:Belgrade News (MT) Author:Tucker, Michael Area:Montana Lines:193 Added:07/01/2010

Restrictions Include City Inspections, Ban on Public Use of Marijuana

The draft of a Bozeman city ordinance released Thursday regulating medical marijuana calls for continuing a 1,000-foot buffer between schools and cannabis shops, city inspections of shops and a ban on public use of the drug, among other things.

The ordinance was crafted by city officials over the past three and a half months with input from medical marijuana providers, police, school officials and other stakeholders.

Under the proposal, it would be a misdemeanor for patients to smoke medical marijuana in "an open or visible manner," City Attorney Greg Sullivan said during a press conference Thursday afternoon. The offense could result in a $500 fine and up to 6 months in jail.

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6US NY: OPED: Medical Marijuana Too Dangerous, CostlyWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:Times Union (Albany, NY) Author:Turetsky, Gerald Area:New York Lines:Excerpt Added:07/01/2010

Bills in the state Senate and Assembly to legalize medical marijuana are set for a major, last-minute push. If they are passed, New Yorkers are in for serious financial and health problems. Common sense dictates before the Legislature moves forward with such a high-risk program, thorough hearings must be held.

Marijuana is not a safe drug. Over time, damage to users' lungs and brains are measurable and significant. Marijuana is widely regarded as a "gateway drug" that introduces children to the drug culture. Most kids who become addicts move on to other more potent drugs. Although most who experiment with marijuana do not become addicted, young people who avoid it altogether tend not to become drug addicts of any kind.

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7 US AL: PUB LTE: New Jim Crow: War On Drugs Provides ExcuseWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:Birmingham News, The (AL) Author:Zylman, Jack Area:Alabama Lines:51 Added:07/01/2010

The News should be praised for publishing Leonard Pitts' article about Michelle Alexander's book, "The New Jim Crow" ("'New Jim Crow' surfaces in U.S. justice," Other Views, Monday). It is undoubtedly the most important book published in this century about the U.S.

Over the past 20 or so years, we have seen a huge jump in the imprisonment of black men in the U.S., using the "war on drugs" as an excuse to establish a caste system here, with an effect not unlike Jim Crow. Police statistics show black men use no more drugs than white men, yet blacks are being rounded up in droves, through checkpoints and stop-and-search rules, while police avoid using the same tactics for white men.

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8US CA: California NAACP Backs Marijuana Ballot MeasureWed, 30 Jun 2010
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Author:Buchanan, Wyatt Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:07/01/2010

Sacramento - The California NAACP has endorsed a November ballot measure to legalize adult recreational use of marijuana, calling the measure a civil rights issue because blacks have a disproportionate number of arrests for marijuana possession compared with whites.

Accompanied by other African American leaders in California, the president of the state NAACP, Alice Huffman, said the current prohibition on marijuana has led to the criminalizing of young people and consequently has hampered the ability of many African Americans to prosper.

The organization is the most mainstream statewide entity to endorse the marijuana measure, Proposition 19, to date.

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9 CN NK: PUB LTE: Drug Approach Doesn't WorkThu, 24 Jun 2010
Source:Times & Transcript (Moncton, CN NK) Author:Phillips, Wayne Area:New Brunswick Lines:49 Added:06/24/2010

To The Editor:

Regarding "Police target drug trafficking in schools" published June 15, if cannabis (marijuana) is the most frequent illegal drug used by high school students and it promotes organized crime, as Const. Chantal Farrah claims, it can only be because of the way it is made illicit.

Teens smoking up in the middle of the day may very well be of the opinion that marijuana is harmless. Harm is not reflected in the way marijuana, and other substances, are legislated.

[continues 139 words]

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