Kettmann, Matt 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: New Effort To Legalize Marijuana And HempWed, 09 Oct 2013
Source:Santa Barbara Independent, The (CA) Author:Kettmann, Matt Area:California Lines:123 Added:10/10/2013

Buddy Duzy Explains the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative, Aimed for the 2014 Ballot

Though California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana with the passage of Proposition 215 in 1996, voters have had a harder time agreeing on whether recreational use of the drug should be allowed. In 2010, such a proposition was narrowly defeated at the polls, and in 2012 - when voters in Colorado and Washington legalized it - none of the six separate measures proposed by various factions of the Golden State's marijuana movement could gather enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

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2 US CA: Federal Cannabis Patient to Lead Medical Marijuana MarchTue, 26 Aug 2008
Source:Santa Barbara Independent, The (CA) Author:Kettmann, Matt Area:California Lines:92 Added:08/26/2008

Elvy Musikka Arrives for Wednesday March to Protest Federal Government's Threat to Close Santa Barbara Dispensaries

At noon on Wednesday, August 27, dozens of medical marijuana patients and proponents are expected to gather at the dolphin statue near Stearns Wharf and walk up State Street toward the County Courthouse. They'll be protesting the recent threats by the federal government to punish Santa Barbara landlords who rent to state- and city-sanctioned cannabis dispensaries. The federal crackdown in Santa Barbara is the latest battle in the long-simmering war over medical marijuana, a state's rights showdown in which voters and lawmakers from California and other states have deemed the drug legal for patients but the feds continue to consider an illicit, medically useless substance. A month's supply of marijuana cigarettes (approximately 300) provided by the federal government.

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