Hinckley, David 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1US NY: Review: Losing A Drug WarMon, 08 Apr 2013
Source:New York Daily News (NY) Author:Hinckley, David Area:New York Lines:Excerpt Added:04/10/2013

Film Rips Waste of Time & Money

ONE OF Hollywood's biggest challenges in recent years has been finding bad guys - that is, groups of people who can still be safely vilified.

"The House I Live In," an angry, somber and sobering documentary by Eugene Jarecki, argues that politicians face the same dilemma. It finds they have resolved it by convincing the rest of us that "drug dealers" and "drug users" are responsible for much of what we don't like about the way things are.

[continues 219 words]

2US NY: Column: Gov't Messages On Drugs Lecture Us From On HighWed, 22 May 2002
Source:New York Daily News (NY) Author:Hinckley, David Area:New York Lines:Excerpt Added:05/24/2002

I find neither drugs nor terrorism especially funny. But I have to confess that when the government rolled out its new anti-drug campaign on the Super Bowl telecast this year, the ad spots that say you shouldn't use drugs because they finance terrorism, I burst out laughing.

So I was glad to hear John Walters, President Bush's drug czar, say last week that in his view, government anti-drug spots have been about as effective as "Reefer Madness."

[continues 348 words]

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