Chapman, Andrew 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US FL: PUB LTE: Sam the DealerThu, 11 Apr 2002
Source:Northwest Florida Daily News (FL) Author:Chapman, Andrew Area:Florida Lines:38 Added:04/11/2002

Being an independent, liberal, conservative Libertarian, I am compelled to comment on the letter from your reader in Palm Harbor ("Not the solution," April 5) who believes that "pot" (I assume he means marijuana) should be legalized.

I, too, believe that the government should get out of the business of trying to stop the use of marijuana and get into the business of making a profit from its use.

However, I would like to see it taken one step further and include all other forms of illegal drugs. Like the ABC Liquor Stores, Uncle Sam could establish Euphoria Emporiums and make a bundle selling all the drugs they want to those inclined to buy.

[continues 78 words]

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