Trout, Gary 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Dogs Do Not Belong In Our SchoolsSun, 19 Oct 2014
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Author:Trout, Gary Area:California Lines:29 Added:10/20/2014

Once again, we have the San Diego Unified School District police sending a negative message ("Drug-sniffing dog has increased presence on campuses," Oct. 8) to the students of our educational institutions: A police officer walking the halls of education with a German shepherd to detect illegal drugs.

What could be more negative?

This sort of nonsense needs to stop. School Police Chief Rueben Littlejohn is sending a message of fear and intimidation and is not in touch with an educational atmosphere.c

Gary Trout

San Diego


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