Sullivan, Max 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US MA: Marijuana Risks Addressed, Youths Still UninformedThu, 03 May 2012
Source:Somerville News, The (MA) Author:Sullivan, Max Area:Massachusetts Lines:90 Added:05/03/2012

Last Tuesday, Somerville's Office of Prevention held a forum which addressed the risks of marijuana use, particularly in response to recent studies suggesting that youths in Massachusetts see pot as a safer alternative to alcohol and hard drugs.

Held in the third floor library of the Arthur D. Healey Middle School on Meacham St. by Cory Mashburn, head of the Office of Prevention in Somerville, and workers from Somerville Cares About Prevention (SCAP), a division of the Office of Prevention, the forum featured a presentation about the risks of marijuana use and some common misunderstandings about the drug, as well as a presentation on the legality of pot in Massachusetts. People of all ages were encouraged to attend, the purpose to ultimately address the fact that there has been a 30% increase in high school and middle school marijuana use since its decriminalization in 2008.

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