MEXICO CITY - Shortly before America's election last November, then vice-presidential candidate Joseph Biden was widely criticized for predicting that an Obama administration would almostcertainly be tested by what he called a "generated" international crisis, in much the way that the Soviet Union "tested" John Kennedy shortly after he took office. Mr. Biden did not point to a specific region of the world but mentioned the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and Russia as the likeliest sources of trouble for the new President. [continues 726 words]
This crisis is far closer to home than a nuclear-armed Iran or a resurgent Russia. It's unfortunate that America is so complacent. MEXICO CITY -- Author of At the Point of a Gun: Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention Shortly before America's election last November, then vice-presidential candidate Joseph Biden was widely criticized for predicting that an Obama administration would almost certainly be tested by what he called a "generated" international crisis, in much the way that the Soviet Union "tested" John Kennedy shortly after he took office. Mr. Biden did not point to a specific region of the world but mentioned the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and Russia as the likeliest sources of trouble for the new President. [continues 727 words]