Mirt, Joseph 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US PA: PUB LTE: Military Veteran Objects to Corbett's StanceSat, 03 May 2014
Source:Patriot-News, The (PA) Author:Mirt, Joseph Area:Pennsylvania Lines:45 Added:05/05/2014

I am writing in response to Gov. Corbett's slight change in stance regarding medical marijuana. Although this is great news for the movement, it is sadly missing the mark of what we truly want. I am speaking as veteran with several mental/mood disorders and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) this past Christmas.

As someone who has offered my life to my state and country, I do feel entitled to therapy of my choosing. If the Veterans Administration is going to dish out pills which make soldiers, facing a rough time already, think thoughts even more depressing and suicidal than without the drugs, how is this safe?

[continues 178 words]

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