A judge approved a restraining order Friday the city of Murrieta had requested to shutter a medical marijuana collective. But he also acknowledged the order was ambiguous, and the owners of the collective said they have no intention of shutting it down. Riverside Superior Court Judge John Vineyard approved the city's request for the order against Greenhouse Cannabis Club, a medical marijuana collective that opened in January. The order requires Greenhouse to "immediately cease providing medical marijuana to more than two persons at (the club on Jefferson Avenue)." And it ordered the collective "not to prevent the city ... from inspecting the premises." [continues 358 words]
When liberals discuss illegal immigration or the economy, the Minutemen or tea party are described as redneck, National Rifle Association-belonging, violent, racist, vigilante organizations. No matter that no act of violence or racism has ever been documented by the "lame-stream" media. Now a big issue in California is therapeutic marijuana. Of course, the mellow potheads of the world would be the last group to be violent. If you believe that, I suggest you pick up the April 1-7 copy of the Valley News. There is a full-page ad placed by the Cooperative Patients Services Inc. showing a jet plane with their logo obviously delivering an atomic bomb over Temecula City Hall. [continues 102 words]
California voters voted that if you qualify medically and have a doctor's written recommendation, you can legally obtain medical marijuana. Folks, mainly on the right, have done everything possible to derail this law, no matter that it was the will of the people through their votes. California voters said no to gay marriage through their votes. A federal judge overturned the law. Folks, mainly on the right, are now jumping up and down, saying how is it possible that a judge can do this? How can he overturn the will of the people? So which is it? It seems their opinion has nothing to do with votes or what's right. They're probably too blind to even see the hypocrisy in this. It seems as though the shoe is on the other foot. Stephen Staton Sun City [end]
As a citizen of Wildomar, I endorse the zoning of a medical marijuana dispensary. It is not the position of the Planning Commission to deny its location, only to direct where such an establishment needs to be. Don't let tax money be spent defending antiquated notions. It's the law and compassion. Russell Adams Wildomar [end]
I am increasingly disgusted at the conduct of various public officials concerning the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Wildomar Planning Commissioner Gary Andre is the latest to inject his personal bias into the debate over permitting medical marijuana dispensaries in his city. His opinion on the effectiveness of marijuana for medical purposes is totally irrelevant. Government's job is to carry out the will of the people, not circumvent it. The continual foot-dragging by cities and counties over implementation of Proposition 215 is not only appalling, it is un-American. With the tea party movement's drive for smaller government and its opposition to government intrusion into our lives, their silence on this issue is deafening. [continues 51 words]
Recently some concerned citizens have mounted a campaign to identify the source of diamonds entering the market, to ensure that they are not sold to exploit workers or to fund wars. One wonders whether a similar scheme could be set up for all the "medicinal" marijuana being sold in clinics around the county now. Did your joint in some way cause violence south of the border; was your roach the remnants of some internecine gang war that cost hundreds of lives? Were illegal aliens used to transport your blunt? I'm sure that all caring people would want that information. Don't you? George Valentine Temecula [end]
MENIFEE ---- Noting President Barack Obama's stance that his administration would no longer enforce the federal ban on medical marijuana and marijuana dispensaries, the City Council on Tuesday voted to place a temporary moratorium on such shops until more research can be conducted. The vote was unanimous. "Let's smoke 'em out," Mayor Wallace Edgerton joked before the vote. City Attorney Elizabeth Martyn said in an interview that Menifee, along with several other cities in the area, has received many requests about land-use regulations regarding the establishment of dispensaries recently in light of the president's stance. The moratorium will last 45 days unless it is extended by the council. In establishing the urgency ordinance to prohibit the shops, city documents state that "medical marijuana dispensaries may result in loitering, traffic congestion, parking problems, noise and other harmful secondary effects." [end]
Good grief. So now, in order to pull the politicians' fat out of the fire, we're supposed to legalize marijuana so we can tax it to help us out of the hole in which they put us. OK, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't exactly say it should be legalized, rather we should start the debate. He's kidding, right? We already have passed Proposition 215, which allows for the use of medical marijuana. You see how well that's working. Guess those lawsuits and the harassment up and down the state by counties and cities trying to thwart the proposition don't count. [continues 434 words]
San Diego County Raids Rattle Local Smoke Shop Owners TEMECULA ---- The owners of the area's smoke shops are a little paranoid. And it has nothing to do with marijuana. In January, the El Cajon Police Department raided seven smoke shops that were selling small hand-held pipes and large water pipes, the smoking accessories that got both Tommy Chong and Michael Phelps in trouble. Late last year, shops in San Diego County's Imperial Beach, Vista, San Marcos, Imperial Beach and Escondido were hit. [continues 794 words]
How can it be that Temecula and Murrieta, cities that pride themselves in forming the "Bible belt of Riverside County," allow businesses to promote the use of marijuana and other illegal drugs? I wrote a letter several weeks ago about how Temecula recently issued a business license to IECannabisConsultants.com, a Temecula-based company on Commerce Center Drive that sells marijuana for "medical use." After checking around more thoroughly, I've since discovered several drug paraphernalia supply stories in our communities, including four along Jefferson Avenue between Overland Drive and Murrieta Hot Springs Road. There are more "head shops" in this area than there are McDonald's. [continues 111 words]