Bigham__Karen 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US KY: Local Schools Promote Drug-Free MessageMon, 01 Nov 2004
Source:Kentucky New Era (KY) Author:Bigham, Karen Area:Kentucky Lines:72 Added:11/02/2004

HOPKINSVILLE -- To help younger students realize the importance of drug education, Highland and Crofton elementary schools sponsored theme days as part of Red Ribbon Week Oct. 25-29.

On Monday, they wore red. Tuesday, they wore their craziest socks or socks that didn't match, as they "socked it to drugs." Wednesday, they wore their favorite hats and "put a cap on drugs." Thursday, they "put drugs to sleep" by wearing their favorite pajamas. Friday was "say boo to drugs day."

[continues 382 words]

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