Greenwald, Jerome F_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CT: 1 PUB LTE, 1 LTE: Self-Appointed Drug Expert IgnoresSat, 13 Jul 2002
Source:New Haven Register (CT) Author:Greenwald, Jerome F. Area:Connecticut Lines:82 Added:07/13/2002

Forum columnist Bill O'Reilly is a self-appointed expert on the drug war and drug addiction. However, if O'Reilly did his homework, he would discover that alcohol addiction and nicotine addiction kill more people per year than all the other drugs combined.

All the Rockefeller laws have done is fill our jails with addicts, most of whom are minorities, at the lowest end of elicit drug distribution. To waste all that money, $34,000 per year for each addict, for the past 30 with nothing to show for it makes us question this policy.

[continues 441 words]

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