Carpenter, Julia 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US GA: Edu: Students Choose Sides At Pot DebateTue, 20 Apr 2010
Source:Red and Black, The (U of Georgia, GA Edu) Author:Carpenter, Julia Area:Georgia Lines:83 Added:04/21/2010

Tate Theater was divided into two camps last night: one side sported dreadlocks and surf shirts -- the other favored side-parted hair and madras shorts. Both were there to watch the real-life drama of Heads vs. Feds unfold.

As part of the University Union event, Bob Stutman, a former Drug Enforcement Agency agent, and Steve Hager, editor in chief of High Times magazine, debated the controversial issue of marijuana legalization before a University audience.

"I am for the Heads," said Lorianne Steele, a sophomore finance major from Warm Springs. "I kind of support NORML [National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws] and all it does, and I just think some of those laws being passed in California should make their way here."

[continues 410 words]

2 US GA: Edu: Debate To Clear Purple Haze Around LegalizationMon, 19 Apr 2010
Source:Red and Black, The (U of Georgia, GA Edu) Author:Carpenter, Julia Area:Georgia Lines:105 Added:04/19/2010

It was the beginnings of a beautiful friendship -- Steve Hager, editor-in-chief of High Times magazine, and Bob Stutman, former DEA agent, ready to beat each other's brains out in front of a college audience -- verbally, that is.

"We actually first met onstage, and we did not like each other, trust me. We did not get along. We almost had a fistfight on the stage the first time," Stutman said. "But what's interesting, is what happened, maybe a couple debates later we were at a school that was a very conservative school and somebody in the audience started attacking Steve personally. They werecalling him the devil, basically, incarnate."

[continues 613 words]

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