Pecoskie, Teri 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Gator Ted's Cleared in Medicinal Pot DisputeSat, 06 Jul 2013
Source:Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Author:Pecoskie, Teri Area:Ontario Lines:72 Added:07/08/2013

It took eight years and $80,000, but Gator Ted's has come out on top.

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has dismissed a complaint against the Guelph Line sports bar, bringing an end to a nearly decadelong dispute between owner Ted Kindos and a patron who smokes medicinal marijuana.

"It's a huge victory against Big Brother," Kindos said. "We protected our restaurant, at the end of the day. We knew we did nothing wrong."

Steve Gibson, a restaurant regular, launched the complaint in 2005, saying he was discriminated against when Kindos asked him not to smoke marijuana outside the establishment's front door. Customers had complained about the smell, the owner said.

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2 CN ON: Police Laying Fewer Youth Crime ChargesMon, 21 Mar 2011
Source:Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Author:Pecoskie, Teri Area:Ontario Lines:65 Added:03/22/2011

Despite a jump in the number of drug charges, youth crime is on an overall decline in Hamilton, according to a police report.

Last year, police laid 679 youth crime charges -- 24 per cent fewer than in 2009. Despite a slight spike in 2009, youth crime has been on a downward trend for more than a decade now, with police pressing more than 1,800 charges in 2001.

"We're very excited," said youth services co-ordinator, Sergeant Andrew Toms.

Substantial headway was made in curbing the number of property and violent crime charges, which are down 38 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively, over 2009.

[continues 240 words]

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