Ivie, Tracy Ecclesine 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US NJ: The Hazy TruthMon, 17 Sep 2001
Source:Home News Tribune (NJ) Author:Ivie, Tracy Ecclesine Area:New Jersey Lines:Excerpt Added:09/18/2001

Proponents of marijuana tout its medicinal value, but opponents call the claims a hoax

When it comes to marijuana as medicine, there's a lot of talk about compassion. There are compassionate buying clubs that grow marijuana for medical patients, compassionate laws and compassionate programs.

There's even the compassion question:

Is it more compassionate: a) to allow people who are very ill to use marijuana, under a doctor's care, or b) to keep it out of circulation because medical marijuana is a cruel hoax?

[continues 1404 words]

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