Phillips, Alberta 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US TX: OPED: One Mess Like Tulia Is Enough; Let's PreventSun, 25 May 2003
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX) Author:Phillips, Alberta Area:Texas Lines:104 Added:05/27/2003

This cop had issues: He had been accused of kidnapping his child; was arrested for theft; falsified reports; used racial slurs on the job; and was ineligible for rehire by two law enforcement departments in separate counties because he needed constant supervision, was dishonest and walked off jobs without notifying supervisors.

That zero was Tom Coleman.

He became a hero in 1999 after busting 46 Tulia residents -- 39 of them African Americans -- for drug trafficking. "Justice" was swift and sweeping. Thirty-eight were convicted of drug felonies, and many were sent to prison on sentences ranging from 20 years to 90 years. At this writing, 13 still are suffering in prison.

[continues 660 words]

2 US TX: Column: One Bad Agent, One Failed System of Justice inTue, 29 Apr 2003
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX) Author:Phillips, Alberta Area:Texas Lines:95 Added:04/30/2003

1999: Tom Coleman, Texas Lawman of the Year.

2003: Tom Coleman, liar.

The latter is the finding of a Swisher County grand jury that indicted Coleman last week on three felony perjury charges accusing him of lying on the witness stand in March.

Coleman was the lone undercover agent in the 1999 drug busts that resulted in the arrests of nearly a tenth of Tulia's small African American population. His uncorroborated testimony convicted 38 people, sending more than two dozen to prison for terms ranging from 20 years to 90 years.

[continues 651 words]

3 US TX: OPED: Fighting for Justice Overseas While IgnoringSun, 06 Apr 2003
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX) Author:Phillips, Alberta Area:Texas Lines:108 Added:04/11/2003

Someone Needs to Liberate the Texas Justice System.

In Tulia and in Houston, we are witnessing police and prosecutorial tactics worthy of Iran or North Korea. President Bush has rightly targeted those countries for their oppressive regimes and for their human rights violations. Yet in his home state, Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott continue to turn a blind eye to a regime of law enforcement officials who have lied, slanted evidence and suppressed vital facts to win convictions.

[continues 709 words]

4 US TX: Column: Fighting for Justice Overseas While IgnoringSun, 30 Mar 2003
Source:Austin American-Statesman (TX) Author:Phillips, Alberta Area:Texas Lines:108 Added:03/30/2003

Someone needs to liberate the Texas justice system.

In Tulia and in Houston, we are witnessing police and prosecutorial tactics worthy of Iran or North Korea. President Bush has rightly targeted those countries for their oppressive regimes and for their human rights violations. Yet in his home state, Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott continue to turn a blind eye to a regime of law enforcement officials who have lied, slanted evidence and suppressed vital facts to win convictions.

[continues 708 words]

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