Littlewing, Nadia 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US CA: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana Useful To Those With PhysicalMon, 04 Mar 2002
Source:Union, The (CA) Author:Littlewing, Nadia Area:California Lines:54 Added:03/05/2002

We read recently a claim medical marijuana is a farce and may have contributed to Scott Thorpe's actions on Jan. 10, 2001.

I am a current medical cannabis user who is "critically ill," not "mentally ill." There is a big difference between the two. When I think of critically ill, I think of those with AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, alcoholism, and chronic pain.

I agree that the "mentally ill" should be observed very carefully before prescribing any medication. Almost any medication or drug of choice may have adverse affects. Sometimes, a mentally ill client is prescribed a medication for their condition. If a mentally ill client decides to stop taking their medication, it too could lead to devastating consequences. If one remembers accurately, Mr. Thorpe was paranoid because of government conspiracies. He thought his food, medicine and medical marijuana was being poisoned. The local investigators even found his medical cannabis with a label which read, "poisoned by the government." I doubt he even took the cannabis. In fact, I doubt he was on any medication.

[continues 127 words]

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