Collins, Dana 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US: This Is Your Country On Drugs, Drug Journals #1Fri, 06 Jul 2001
Source:LA Weekly (CA) Author:Collins, Dana Area:United States Lines:82 Added:07/05/2001

I would dress like a dork. A collegiate dork to be exact.

A denim-collar-down-jacket-waffle stomper, outdoorsy-but-clean-REI-kind of dork to be real exact.

I would paste down my bleached-blond spikes into a forced-part comb-over. I was Sunny Jim come to life. I would stand on the corner of the major strip in this particular university area armed with my Mead binder full of $10 gram-bags and eighths.

[continues 384 words]

2 US: This Is Your Country On Drugs, Drug Journals #11Fri, 06 Jul 2001
Source:LA Weekly (CA) Author:Collins, Dana Area:United States Lines:120 Added:07/04/2001

Paul just sat there.

I've never seen a dead person sit, but I have a nasty hunch a dead man sitting would appear much like Paul did that day in the pizza place - minus the monkey on his back. "I tried to kick a couple of weeks ago," he started in. "I was sick for 15 days with no sign of it letting up, so I just said, 'Fuck it.'" I was saddened, but somehow fascinated - impressed, even - that this lab rat of a person was still alive. "Can I git a pull from yer Pepsi?" he said as he simultaneously snatched and sipped from my wife's Big Gulp. "Keep it," she said. He might as well have had a neon sign on his forehead that flashed "HEPATITIS HEPATITIS HEPATITIS." He scared the shit out of her. He scared the shit out of me.

[continues 689 words]

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