Adams, Lisa J_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Mexico: Mexican Church Causes UproarThu, 06 Oct 2005
Source:Bradenton Herald (FL) Author:Adams, Lisa J. Area:Mexico Lines:82 Added:10/11/2005

MEXICO CITY - When a Mexican bishop declared that drug traffickers often donate to the church, shock waves ran through this predominantly Roman Catholic nation - not because the news was a surprise, but because admitting it was tantamount to confessing that nothing, not even God, is sacred when it comes to organized crime in Mexico.

Provoking the uproar were Bishop Ramon Godinez's comments to reporters that donations from drug traffickers are not unusual and it's not the church's responsibility to investigate. He argued that the money is "purified" once it passes through parish doors.

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2 Mexico: Drug Money And The ChurchThu, 06 Oct 2005
Source:Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL) Author:Adams, Lisa J. Area:Mexico Lines:89 Added:10/07/2005

Revelation About Donors Sparks Uproar

MEXICO CITY - When a Mexican bishop declared that drug traffickers often donate to the church, shock waves ran through this predominantly Roman Catholic nation -- not because the news was a surprise, but because admitting it was tantamount to confessing that nothing, not even God, is sacred when it comes to organized crime in Mexico.

Provoking the uproar were Bishop Ramon Godinez's comments to reporters that donations from drug traffickers are not unusual and it's not the church's responsibility to investigate. He argued that the money is "purified" once it passes through parish doors.

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3Mexico: Mexican Customs Boss Fires Agency Managers At NearlyFri, 02 Feb 2001
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Author:Adams, Lisa J. Area:Mexico Lines:Excerpt Added:02/02/2001

Move Inspired By Fox's War On Crime

MEXICO CITY -- In the latest salvo against widespread government corruption, Mexico's new customs chief said yesterday he had fired nearly all of the agency's upper management.

The drastic move is part of President Vicente Fox's nationwide crusade against corruption, drug smuggling and organized crime -- an effort that has blown up in the face of previous administrations.

Customs director Jose Guzman, who took over the agency in December, said yesterday he had fired 45 of the agency's 47 supervisors throughout the country -- and expected to fire the remaining two as well -- after finding "complete disorder" in offices in border and port cities.

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4 Panama: Short-Term Increase In Drug Trafficking After U.S.Wed, 26 Apr 2000
Source:Boston Globe (MA) Author:Adams, Lisa J. Area:Panama Lines:108 Added:04/27/2000

FORMER HOWARD AIR FORCE BASE, Panama (AP) Buzzards are the only thing taking off and landing these days on Howard Air Force Base's deserted runway.

Counternarcotics surveillance flights a key element of U.S. efforts to curb the flow of cocaine and heroin from South America ceased last year, when the base was turned over to Panama along with other Panama Canal operations.

That has alarmed some U.S. and Latin American officials, who argued that the Pacific base is an irreplaceable weapon in the war on drugs.

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5 Mexico: 'Suitcase Cartels' Making The SwitchSun, 19 Mar 2000
Source:Salt Lake Tribune (UT) Author:Adams, Lisa J. Area:Mexico Lines:105 Added:03/19/2000

Unsuspecting Traveler May Find Cache Of Drugs In Luggage At Flight's End

MEXICO CITY -- Leonardo Cardenas had high expectations when he boarded a flight to Mexico. The respected Colombian engineer had been hired to lend his expertise to an important project at a Mexico City amusement park.

He checked in two suitcases at Bogota's airport, one packed with piles of research, drawings and calculations, the other filled with enough clothes and personal items to last him the three months he expected to stay.

[continues 691 words]

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