Dreyfus, Lee Sherman 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US WI: OPED: Wisconsin Should Take The Lead In Marijuana ResearchThu, 10 Jan 2002
Source:Daily Citizen (WI) Author:Dreyfus, Lee Sherman Area:Wisconsin Lines:79 Added:01/17/2002

With my initials, L.S.D., I have been the butt of jokes and jibes for most of my adult life. In fairness to my mother, who gave me these infamous initials, I must add that she gave birth to me 11 years before the hallucinogenic drug was invented. LSD, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy or marijuana simply were not used or available in my pre-World War II high school.

However, 1942 and 2002 are very different years when it comes to sex, drugs and all sorts of risky behaviors. The most common illicit drug in use now is marijuana, or "pot." The Latin name for the plant is cannabis. Today it is federally illegal to grow, sell or smoke marijuana. Regulation of this drug is established by the Food and Drug Administration and enforcement is carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency.

[continues 461 words]

2 US WI: Column: Wisconsin Should Take Lead In Marijuana ResearchThu, 10 Jan 2002
Source:Waukesha Freeman (WI) Author:Dreyfus, Lee Sherman Area:Wisconsin Lines:79 Added:01/17/2002

With my initials, L.S.D., I have been the butt of jokes and jibes for most of my adult life. In fairness to my mother, who gave me these infamous initials, I must add that she gave birth to me 11 years before the hallucinogenic drug was invented. LSD, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy or marijuana simply were not used or available in my pre-World War II high school.

However, 1942 and 2002 are very different years when it comes to sex, drugs and all sorts of risky behaviors. The most common illicit drug in use now is marijuana, or "pot." The Latin name for the plant is cannabis. Today it is federally illegal to grow, sell or smoke marijuana. Regulation of this drug is established by the Food and Drug Administration and enforcement is carried out by the Drug Enforcement Agency.

[continues 461 words]

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