Marteeny, Doug 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US OR: LTE: Negative ConsequencesMon, 27 Oct 2014
Source:Albany Democrat-Herald (OR) Author:Marteeny, Doug Area:Oregon Lines:55 Added:10/27/2014

We are all free to make our own decisions but not free to choose the consequences.

When you cast your vote on Measure 91, make sure you understand the choices you will be making.

Measure 91 is poorly crafted with many fatal flaws. It allows people to legally posses eight times more pot than even what is allowed in Colorado.

If it passes, possession of marijuana in jail will no longer be a felony but instead a mere infraction, similar to a traffic ticket. This greatly reduces our ability to maintain security and order in the jail.

[continues 234 words]

2 US OR: OPED: Law Enforcement: Don't Let Oregon Turn intoSun, 01 Dec 2013
Source:Albany Democrat-Herald (OR) Author:Marteeny, Doug Area:Oregon Lines:84 Added:12/05/2013

If you were to take a walk with your family past storefronts in Venice Beach, California, you would likely pass by a number of "medical" marijuana dispensaries.

You would be solicited by a dispensary employee asking, "Are you feeling well today? Would you like to feel better?"

These peddlers have been witnessed enticing passersby into their establishments where they can meet with a "doctor," receive a prescription and buy marijuana on the spot.

These are nothing more than drug dealers using a medical system as a shield. That is California's reality. It should not be ours.

[continues 403 words]

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