Chalk it up to a bunch of whacky weed decisions: The first was that Ottawa's finest decided to charge people working in pot shops. the second that the Crown actually wasted the public's money and the court's time with prosecuting these people and the third being the conditional discharges and suspended sentences handed down which should and will be wiped clean down the road. Why on earth are authorities going through with this utter lunacy when they darn well know that this drug will be legal soon? The state has better things to do with their enforcement arms and the public purse. Stephen Flanagan Ottawa (For now, the law's the law) [end]
Sadly tragedies will increase, especially with our young people who feel they are invulnerable with the upcoming legalization of marijuana. It seems that the federal government is more interested in another form of taxation and looking cool in the eyes of the world come next July 1. The provinces do not have a plan in place, there will be a major increase in impaired drivers, and because of the taxation, like cigarettes, weed will thrive on the black market. We are headed toward a real quagmire. Stephen Flanagan Ottawa (Let's hope not. All the red flags are there; governments just need to be smart about it.) [end]
Re: Safe injection sites get shot in the arm, Jan. 5 The "fix" is in, which is apropos as far as the status of the controlled-injection site for the capital. I see that His Worship is caving already by conveniently passing the buck to the all-knowing and supreme public health board, which has been in favour of this from the start. Mayor Jim Watson is abdicating his civic responsibility to the taxpaying folks of this city, of which many are opposed to this dicey endeavour. [continues 62 words]
There is no question that the recreational use of marijuana is coming, even though it will open the door to a number of serious health issues down the road. The Canadian Pediatric Society is advocating an age restriction for its use along the lines of what is in place for alcohol. Give me a break - if they think that younger people will adhere to the age limit they are pipe dreaming. Like booze, the younger set will just pay someone to purchase it for them. This pending legislation will open up a Pandora's Box of problems but the feds can't say the [sic] haven't been warned. Stephen Flanagan (Fair point.) [end]
There is no question that the recreational use of marijuana is coming, even though it will open the door to a number of serious health issues down the road. The Canadian Pediatric Society is advocating an age restriction for its use along the lines of what is in place for alcohol. Give me a break - if they think that younger people will adhere to the age limit they are pipe dreaming. Like booze, the younger set will just pay someone to purchase it for them. This pending legislation will open up a Pandora's Box of problems but the feds can't say the [sic] haven't been warned. Stephen Flanagan Ottawa (Fair point.) [end]
Leave it to that progressive bunch in the Santa suits to strike down the former Conservative government's tough-on-crime legislation. I mean why have minimum sentences for drug (dealer) crimes and of course let's not have any limits on pre-trial detention, golly gee, it may give someone an inferiority complex. After all, it's just us ordinary folk that support these measures and I guess we don't know any better. Stephen Flanagan Ottawa (The Supreme Court has yet again walked by reforms from the previous Tory government.) [end]
Forget about all the public consultations, the media scrums and the pros and cons, the "supervised" injection site will be a reality in downtown Ottawa much to the chagrin of the majority of the folks, especially those living in the Sandy Hill area. I suppose Vancouver's East Hastings Street is not enough, so in their infinite wisdom the progressives who always know what's best for the folks will open up another one here in the shadow of Parliament Hill. [continues 67 words]
Re: "Feds blame Trudeau for blowing smoke on marijuana debate," Aug. 19. I agree with Health Minister Rona Ambrose. The part-time drama teacher and also leader of the third party Justin Trudeau, is targeting his marijuana platform strictly to bring out the youth vote. The fact that he shows himself to be cool and with the "in crowd" is exactly why he is doing it. The long-term effects on the body by smoking this drug has actually not yet to be realized, but it will end up costing the taxpayer billions in medical expenses. But hey, let's throw caution to the wind if it means getting elected. Stephen T. Flanagan (Politicians' comments always seem to end up costing the taxpayer in the end.) [end]
The men might have foreseen their deaths, their bodies pale and drained, their blood mixing with the dirt. In the end, they were beaten nearly lifeless in front of their friends, finished off by a bullet and dumped on a muddy roadside, or prodded toward death with a barrel at their backs, tortured and left as carrion. Gustavo Soler, Victor Orcasita and Valmore Locarno were only coal miners and union leaders. But it is Colombia, after all, where union leaders can often expect a violent extinction, even when working for a U.S. company like Drummond Co., a privately held coal mining firm based in Birmingham. [continues 1756 words]