RoBards, Richard 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US KY: Column: Drug Testing A Double Standard?Sun, 13 May 2007
Source:Central Kentucky News Journal (Campbellsville, KY) Author:RoBards, Richard Area:Kentucky Lines:85 Added:05/14/2007

Adults create credibility issues with their children and other youth unrelated to them. I know I probably did with my children.

We can see it in the entertainment industry where bad behavior is glamorized and the offenders are generally rewarded with an even bigger movie or music contract.

We tell our children not to do something, saying it isn't good for them ... all the while we're either doing it ourselves or tacitly endorsing similar actions by our friends.

Example: The promotion of good choices. We make the claim that our teen sons and daughters need to make good choices, while we may not be providing them with the examples with which they could retrieve a standard.

[continues 402 words]

2 US KY: Editorial: Things That Make Parents AnxiousSun, 25 Dec 2005
Source:Central Kentucky News Journal (Campbellsville, KY) Author:Robards, Richard Area:Kentucky Lines:87 Added:12/27/2005

Due process and parental concern knocked heads in an eastern Kentucky county recently, sparking controversy and leaving the door open for potential legislative action.

A couple of drug trafficking charges against teacher Stephanie Tackett Hall in Floyd County have not kept her from returning to her classroom while her trial is pending.

According to a story in a recent Lexington Herald-Leader, parents of students at John M. Stumbo Elementary School would like to see Hall reassigned to a job outside the classroom until after her trial - which has been delayed until March. She was indicted in February and was initially assigned to work in the central office - away from students.

[continues 421 words]

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