Re: "Intervention, not suspension, for students on drugs," Friday, Feb. 27. CABE principal Paul McNaughton has a great idea issuing interventions instead of suspensions to students caught using drugs. What most people fail to recognize is that punishments like suspension, expulsion or jail time for drug offences just don't work. Honest education about drugs is what students need most. I hope that Mr. McNaughton's program is based on fact and research and not lies and misinformation like most of the police-taught and other drug programs like DARE. The honest and informed programs are the ones that really do reach the students. Not all drug usage is bad, but not being properly informed and educated about drugs can be detrimental. I wish Mr. McNaughton all the best in his efforts. Christopher Nichols Coquitlam [end]
Re: "Grow-op crackdown under review," Friday, Dec. 5. For some reason, when I first saw this article's headline, I thought Coquitlam's new mayor, Richard Stewart, was going to take the "crackdown" on grow-ops to a realistic new era. Then reality sank in. The fact that Canadians are still being persecuted for cannabis drastically overshadows Stewart's plan for a more lenient bylaw. I don't see the police and certain members of the public crying foul because someone is making beer or wine, etc., in their basement. [continues 80 words]
So, all the large-scale marijuana grow-ops are keeping the RCMP busy. That explains why my car is regularly broken into. It seems the RCMP are so ill-equipped and poorly trained that they can concentrate only on the easily solvable cases. I think the Chilliwack Block and Grow Watchers need to stop wasting our police resources and let them concentrate on real crimes. Maybe the grow watchers should concentrate their efforts on getting marijuana legalized, which is the only solution to their problems. Cannabis is here forever and no amount of enforcement or surveillance is going to stop it. Christopher Nichols, Coquitlam [end]
It's too bad Insp. Bob Rolls doesn't have the slightest concept of how to battle the open use of drugs in the Downtown Eastside. Anything related to drug usage has absolutely nothing to do with enforcement and everything to do with educational and preventive measures. So what if the Vancouver police are going to arrest people and try to convince the courts to proceed with charges? At the most, this is a mild disincentive to prevent public use of drugs. Jail time and charges have never been an effective deterrent for crimes relating to drugs or related matters. [continues 61 words]
So W.P. Kinsella and the supporters of Grow Watch think they are finally stamping out marijuana grow operations? Not likely. B.C. bud is here to stay, the demand and money associated with it are just too immense. It's a shame Kinsella, Grow Watch members and the RCMP fail to realize they are helping gangs such as the Hells Angels rather than eradicating them. Choosing to adopt these programs sends the organized crime syndicates laughing all the way to the bank. Christopher Nichols, Coquitlam [end]
The Editor, Re. "One street, two grows" and "Chemicals related to meth seized from storage facility" (front page, The Tri-City News, Jan. 13). In the Jan 13 Tri-City News, the front cover had news of raids on grow ops and discovery of chemicals related to the production of methamphetamine. I'm sure questions came into many readers' minds as to how we can make the Tri-Cities safe, responsible and crime-free. I have your answer: End the prohibition of drugs. [continues 86 words]
The Editor Re. "There are so many grow ops here that..." (page 1, The Tri-City News, Sept. 28) So the already abhorrent failure known as the Coquitlam RCMP's Marijuana Enforcement Team (MET) is bringing in retired officers to help dismantle grow ops because they are so overworked. It's too bad we haven't legalized marijuana by now so these officers could enjoy their retirement and as well give our current officers a break from a war they have already lost. [continues 73 words]
When will the politicians, police officers and, above all, the Canadian public realize that marijuana is tied to organized crime simply because of its illegality? In your editorial, you call the people running the marijuana industry cutthroat criminals. The only reason they are "criminals" is, again, because of marijuana's illegality. The real cutthroat criminals are the politicians, public officials and members of the Canadian public who continue their pot-propagandist hysteria. Wake up and smell the reefer. Christopher Nichols, Coquitlam [end]
The Editor, Re. "Where there's smoke, there are opinions" (page 3, The Tri-City News, May 4). Congratulations to candidate James Filippelli (Port Moody-Westwood) of Your Political Party of BC for his intellectual, logical and, above all, sensible approach to marijuana and marijuana grow ops. His realistic approach to marijuana is exactly what B.C. and Canada need to expand this wonderful industry and profit immensely from it. Mr. Filippelli is correct in suggesting the way to get rid of our marijuana problems it is to fully legalize pot and sell it in a way similar to alcohol. [continues 60 words]
Why are we letting unqualified police officers teach our children about drugs? We should be encouraging our doctors instead to educate our young people about drugs. The current DARE program does not teach the whole truth about drugs and responsible use. Instead of giving children the idea all drug use is wrong, we should also tell them the truth about the impact of certain drugs, so they can make informed choices if they ever decide to try one. Christopher Nichols Coquitlam [end]