IF the Legalise Cannabis Alliance candidate Marcus Davies stands for East Ward, I will certainly vote for him. This is not because I wish to encourage the "drug culture". I want to approach Mr Davies's candidacy with an objective and unhysterical eye. The reaction of Peterhorough's political establishment seems to be grossly disproportionate - favouring a safe contest between the same old boring political machines. Cllr Cathy Weaver's comment that "the police may be interested in this individual" (Evening Telegraph, March 29), is way over the top. Davies only wants to stand for election, not supply Clir Weaver with 'hash". [continues 83 words]
Sir According to your Wednesday, March 29 article "Cannabis user up for election", Cllr John Holdich, chairman of Peterborough City Council's social services committee, said: "My personal view is if you do deregulate cannabis or other drugs, you might as well give up on law and order." Cllr Holdich also accused the candidate, Marcus Davies, of a publicity stunt which degrades local government. Is telling the truth a publicity stunt? Is it degrading? Furthermore, Cllr Cathy Weaver's comment: "I'm sure the police would be interested in this individual" shows complete lack of compassion and understanding. [continues 176 words]