We all agree drug abuse is a problem. Reformers say there is a better way to handle it. Our politicians play on our fears to make us more accepting of their waste of our precious lives and resources. Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a medical problem and we'll do a better job of keeping kids drug free and inebriated folks off the road with compassionate policy offering helpful treatment War creates a booming economy for some on the suffering of many. Drug warriors are so befuddled by the noble idea of preventing drug abuse, they ignore the lessons of history. [continues 227 words]
Dear Editor, Ken Locke, of Glenville, is taking a stand for freedom and compassion - - things most Americans once stood proudly for. Thank you to Frank Smith and the Crossroads Chronicle for your coverage of his historic journey for justice. People are going to self-medicate, smoke, drink and party, no matter what the law says. The best we can hope from our policies is to reduce the harm. Current policies destroy families. There are an estimated nine million orphaned American children caused by the war on drugs. Prohibition triggers violence, corruption and crime, causing more death and suffering than the drugs themselves. [continues 162 words]
War Creates a Booming Economy for Some on the Suffering of Many. In response to Nikki Wee's article "Debaters hash out marijuana policies," marijuana is a miracle medicine for many because it is the only plant that mimics the way our bodies try to maintain balance. Yet, it has been demonized by those who worship the almighty dollar. Greed rules America. The drug war takes our eyes off the real killers we tolerate. Drugs kill more than 26 percent of the people who die each year in the United States. [continues 213 words]