Governments are always looking for solutions to problems. They seldom try to affect the cause. Sure, we need resources to help those foolish enough to take these drugs, however we are not doing enough to stop the flow of these drugs. I seldom hear about a really stiff sentence for someone convicted of selling these drugs. I mean stiff. A year or two is not a deterrent. How about 25 to life for producing, importing or selling the stuff? The bleeding hearts will say it is too stiff a penalty until their child is a statistic. Bob Boyer Renfrew (Conservatives might say the same until their kid's locked away for life for a bit of pot.) [end]
Whether it is direct or indirect, the person who makes it, the drug dealer who sells it, or the person who brings a bag full to a party and gives it away, someone must be held accountable. With proper police work the provider of the drug can be found. I am sure that at present the provider of the drug may only get a trafficking charge; surely a manslaughter charge could be made in the case of death. If the person providing the drug at a party was charged with manslaughter and later found guilty it would send a strong message to the public that there are severe consequences to their action. Social media and proper national news reporting of a charge would make a person think twice about providing this lethal drug. Bob Boyer Renfrew (Sometimes punishment is the best deterrence.) [end]
All of the pot dispensaries are breaking the law. Close them down. The Liberal government has said that they want to control distribution. What are they going to do about established businesses when they finally decide to come up with their plan? These pot shops are not getting their cannabis from government-approved growers. Some may be fronts for organized crime. Go in and audit their books. There should be a proper record of sales and purchases. If they cannot show a receipt for purchase of all their products (marijuana, cookies, candy and such), then they are obviously breaking the law by buying from an illegal source. If they are cooking their own brownies, then Health Canada should be looking into their business. [continues 86 words]