HOBBEMA - Gang violence is on the rise on Hobbema, with as many as 13 rival gangs battling for control of the drug trade, and other matters. Some members of these gangs are shockingly as young as eight-years-old. The most notable gangs include the Indian Posse, Redd Alert, and the Alberta Warriors. Unfortunately, there seems to be precious little to deter the criminal behavior; not even the tragic, albeit accidental shooting of 23-month-old Asia Saddleback. On April 13, Asia Saddleback was eating supper with her family when a bullet tore through the house and hit Asia in the liver and spine. Although she did recover, it remained traumatizing for Asia and her family. Furthermore, it demonstrated the shocking but serious issues that the Hobbema community continue to face. With the bullet unable to be removed it will be a lifelong reminder for Asia and her family about how unsafe it was and still is to live in their community. [continues 805 words]
Former gang member and now president of Spirit Keeper Youth Society (SKYS), Len Untereiner, talked to the Ben Calf Robe school students to shatter the images that glamorize the gang lifestyle. "You need to talk to these kids when they're young and let them know that this is an illusion," said Untereiner. "I hate that word, gang, because it glamorizes, it glamorizes the lifestyle that is criminal." Untereiner told Sweetgrass that he didn't want to go into details about his involvement in gangs, however he did say that the gang lifestyle today is completely different than what it was in 1950. [continues 940 words]