Bergen, Peter 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US CA: OPED: The War on PoppiesSun, 02 Sep 2007
Source:Los Angeles Times (CA) Author:Bergen, Peter Area:California Lines:205 Added:09/02/2007

U.S. Efforts to Eradicate Afghanistan's Crop Are Empowering the Taliban by Sowing Seeds of Resentment.

Stepping onto the balcony of the governor's mansion in Uruzgan in southern Afghanistan, you quickly grasp the scale of the drug problem gripping the country.

Beginning at the walls of the mansion and stretching as far as the eye can see are hundreds of acres of poppy fields ready for harvesting for opium sap, pretty much the only way to earn a living in poverty-stricken Uruzgan.

[continues 1309 words]

2 Afghanistan: Book Review: Waltzing With WarlordsMon, 01 Jan 2007
Source:Nation, The (US) Author:Bergen, Peter Area:Afghanistan Lines:355 Added:12/26/2006

On a dimly lit road in Wazir Akbar Khan, the Upper East Side of Kabul, a couple of street kids gesture toward an unmarked iron gate behind which they assure us we can find what we are looking for. An Afghan guard gives us a wary once-over and opens the gate onto a dark garden at the end of which a door is slightly ajar. I open it and step into a world far removed from the dust-blown avenues of Kabul, where most women wear burqas and the vast majority of the population live in grinding poverty.

[continues 2904 words]

3US CA: OPED: America's Juggling ActSun, 17 Sep 2006
Source:San Jose Mercury News (CA) Author:Bergen, Peter Area:California Lines:Excerpt Added:09/18/2006

Unless U.S. Takes Action, The Afghanistan Ball Will Hit The Ground, Allowing The Taliban To Accumulate Power

KABUL, Afghanistan - The interpreter's hand-held radio crackled with the sound of intercepted Taliban transmissions, and he signaled the infantry patrol to wait while he translated. At 7 a.m. one morning late in the summer, peasants were already out scything wheat, with their children tending fields of pink and white poppies that would soon add to Afghanistan's record-setting opium and heroin supplies. We were 9,000 feet up, in the hamlet of Larzab, in a remote part of Zabul province -- the heart of Talibanland.

[continues 1682 words]

4 Afghanistan: The Taliban, Regrouped and RearmedSun, 10 Sep 2006
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Bergen, Peter Area:Afghanistan Lines:280 Added:09/10/2006

KABUL, Afghanistan

The interpreter's hand-held radio crackled with the sound of intercepted Taliban transmissions, and he signaled the infantry patrol to wait while he translated. At 7 a.m. one morning late in the summer, peasants were already out scything wheat, with their children tending fields of pink and white poppies that would soon add to Afghanistan's record-setting opium and heroin supplies.

We were 9,000 feet up, in the hamlet of Larzab, in a remote part of Zabul province -- the heart of Talibanland.

[continues 2110 words]

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