I'm sorry but I've gotta ask: How can an elected official like Matt Mead, governor of Wyoming, be stupid enough to not only say something so ignorant - "My belief is that the recreational drug use of marijuana in Colorado will have an adverse impact to some degree, we don't know yet, to citizens in Wyoming. And that is a concern." Where the hell has he been all his life ? Pot has been used by cowboys, card dealers, train robbers, Native Americans, beatniks and hippies, along with heroin, since before the turn of the century before last! [continues 70 words]
Dear Editor: I was going to stay out of this crap, but in the words of Michael Corleone, "They just keep dragging me back in." Aside from my misspelled word or 10, I've made a mistake I'd like to retract. Hey, you there! Yeah, you, without a faux pas now and then. Go ahead, chunk the first hunk. Anyway, I accused politicians of lying and then tried to honey it up a bit by saying they were simply bait-and-switch artists and that it was a federal crime. Well, it is but not for politicians. They are immune to this federal statute that prohibits people from being baited by advertising and promises only to be switched to a different article after they've taken the bait. Apparently this protects only consumers, not voters. What this means is that politicians cannot be held accountable for promises made to get elected. They can prolong an issue (sandbag) until the November elections so they don't alienate conservative voters. But you knew this, right? [continues 232 words]